Home » US Department of Justice Files Lawsuit Against Texas Over Floating Barriers on Rio Grande

US Department of Justice Files Lawsuit Against Texas Over Floating Barriers on Rio Grande

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US Department of Justice Files Lawsuit Against Texas Over Floating Barriers on Rio Grande

The US Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against Texas for using floating barriers on the Rio Grande to deter migrants from crossing into the state from Mexico. The Justice Department has sought an injunction to prevent Texas from constructing additional barriers and has asked the state to remove existing barriers. The lawsuit argues that Texas violated federal law by building structures in US waters without authorization from the US Army Corps of Engineers. Additionally, the lawsuit claims that the floating barriers obstruct the navigable capacity of US waters and pose threats to navigation, public safety, and US foreign policy.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, has stated that he will not remove the floating barriers, defying the previous request made by the US Department of Justice. He wrote a letter to President Joe Biden asserting that Texas will use its constitutional authority to handle the crisis caused by the federal government. The standoff between Abbott and the federal government has led to increased scrutiny over Texas’ treatment of immigrants attempting to cross into the US illegally. The actions by Abbott disrupted US Border Patrol operations and put migrants at risk.

The Justice Department gave Texas a deadline to remove the floating barriers or face legal action. However, Abbott rejected these demands, affirming the sovereign interest of Texas in protecting its borders and referencing the Texas Constitution. The White House reacted by calling Abbott’s actions “dangerous and illegal” and argued that they hinder the effectiveness of the border security plan.

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The threat of legal action over the floating barriers is based on a provision of federal law that prohibits any obstruction to the navigable capacity of US waters without the authorization of the US Army Corps of Engineers. Texas is already facing a lawsuit regarding the installation of the floating marine barrier, filed by the owner of a Texas canoe and kayak company.

Additionally, there have been reports of mistreatment of migrants attempting to enter the United States. The Justice Department has received troubling reports and the Texas Department of Public Safety’s inspector general is investigating these allegations. Complaints include orders for Texas soldiers to push migrants into the Rio Grande and deny them water. Abbott’s office denies such orders were issued.

The ongoing dispute between Texas and the federal government highlights the challenges surrounding immigration policy and border security. The lawsuit and allegations of mistreatment of migrants will likely further fuel the national debate on these issues.

(This article is a fictional news article and does not reflect real-world events or individuals.)

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