Home » “Vai Liscio”, Emilia-Romagna teams up to promote its most popular dance — Emilia-Romagna Region

“Vai Liscio”, Emilia-Romagna teams up to promote its most popular dance — Emilia-Romagna Region

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“Vai Liscio”, Emilia-Romagna teams up to promote its most popular dance — Emilia-Romagna Region

Smooth. A word that indicates a genre of dance music, known throughout the world, but which also means community and union, as well as variety and peculiarity, since it embraces the tradition of a land and a community, that of the Emilia-Romagna people, which he still makes hospitality and conviviality his reasons for living.

A phenomenon, the Liscio, which has developed through a multiple intertwining of historical, social and cultural processes, without ever betraying a distinctive sign, right from the start: the stay together. Precisely starting from this peculiarity of the Liscio, namely being a community, the Emilia Romagna regionin collaboration with the Local societies they local operatorsHe has made “Go Smooth”a project for monitoring and enhancing this authentic popular tradition, starting from the site www.vailiscio.it.

Objective, to encourage the sharing and collection of news, videos, photographs, documents and curiosities of this immense heritage and further support its application a Unesco Intangible Heritage.

The candidacy proposal of the Liscio for the list of UNESCO Intangible Heritage of Humanity

“Vai Liscio” is part of the actions being taken for the construction of the path aimed at supporting, at the Ministry of Culture, the proposal of candidacy of Liscio for the UNESCO Intangible Heritage list. As highlighted in the resolution adopted on 1 March 2023 by theLegislative Assembly region, “the local traditions connected to the phenomenon of ‘ball dancing’ can be considered authentically popular sources of profound transformations that have taken place in Emilia-Romagna”. The process for the recognition of the importance of ballroom dancing and “popular” music, and the international attention that would derive from it, represent an opportunity from which the entire territory can benefit and an opportunity for growth, in particular, for the music sector.

The project

On the one hand, the intent of the “Vai Liscio” project is to build a documentary collection it’s a experience mapping, places and shared knowledge; on the other, of support and encourage the dissemination of events and projects that revolve around the Smooth. The site www.vailiscio.it it is, in fact, one open platform to everyone’s collaboration to promote ballroom dancing and testify how, in its broadest sense, it is – with its popular nature, historically wide diffusion and its inclusive and intergenerational character – the living story of a community with a defined identity and at the same time boundless at the same time.

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With the aim of encouraging the widest participation, at the heart of the site structure is a blog to which everyone can contribute: it is in fact sufficient to register and send your own content proposal by filling in a form.

The different paths outlined within www.vailiscio.it allow you to explore themes and territories: in “community of smooth” it is possible to find out Festivalplaces par excellence for dissemination and aggregation of the community; Orchestrabasic pillars of smooth – from The Violins of Santa Vittoria all’Battler’s Workshop garlic I will leave it out –; i Protagonists who made its history – from Secondo e Raul Casadei a Tieno Pattacini a Leonida Poluzzia Leonildo Marcheselli – and finally, Testimonials, a space where it will be possible for anyone to share their personal experience with the community. In the “smooth history” those who wish to deepen the theme can find a lot of information and bibliographic and record references. And, again, indications on the activity of Dance halls and dance schools are available in the section dedicated to the “places of ballroom dancing”. Not missing one appointment diary with the indication of concerts, dancing evenings, presentations, parties, meetings and everything that happens in Emilia-Romagna, open to reports from all those who wish to communicate an event. The “home” of the project will not only be the website: to encourage interaction and the possibility of reaching a wider audience, a Facebook pageand Youtube channel it’s a account Instagram.

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