Home » Vasto’s homage to Giuseppe Perrozzi on the 50th anniversary of his death

Vasto’s homage to Giuseppe Perrozzi on the 50th anniversary of his death

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Vasto’s homage to Giuseppe Perrozzi on the 50th anniversary of his death

Followed by an attentive and interested public, the celebration of the 50th anniversary of death (8 May 1973 – 8 May 2023) of the poet from Vasto Joseph Perrozzi at the Conference Hall of the Workers’ Society of Vasto of which he was a member.

Initiative organized by Pro Loco “Città del Vasto” APS through his “Department of Studies and Research on the History of Vasto” in collaboration with the Workers’ Society.

“A commemoration and a memory of a character from Vasto who absolutely could not be forgotten – underlines the president of the Pro Loco, Mercury Saracens -. A “boy of ’99” who, after having transcribed in his diary (published in various editions) the dramatic months spent at Grappa in the Great War, told in dialect the land of him to which he was strongly linked. Grandson of Luigi Ringswas able to follow in the precious footsteps of his uncle”.

They intervened Annarita Pietrocola, president of SOMS, and Mercurio Saraceni, president of the Pro Loco who underlined the will and the importance of remembering a figure, such as that of Perrozzi, who fully enters the cultural heritage of our city and of the whole of Abruzzo.

Lorenzo Russonephew, has reconstructed the figure of his uncle Giuseppe as a soldier and as a man. Fernando D’Annunzio he delighted those present by reading some of the poet’s poems in the Vasto dialect.

Very special and interesting was finally the intervention of Paolo Calvino (Director of the Department of Studies and Research on the History of Vasto) who, through the projection of numerous photos from various private and family archives, retraced, with images of the time, the life, events, publications and cultural activities of which Giuseppe Perrozzi was the protagonist.

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