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Villavieja prepares for annular solar eclipse

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Villavieja prepares for annular solar eclipse

On October 14, 2023 in Villavieja you will be able to witness this special astronomical event, and from now on the department of Huila is preparing for what will be the Festival of the Annular Eclipse in Tatacoa, which will take place on the weekend of October 13 to 15.


By: Andrea Ramirez

The annular solar eclipse event that will occur on Saturday, October 14 in the Tatacoa desert, Huila, is a unique opportunity to witness a rare astronomical phenomenon. An annular eclipse occurs when the moon aligns between the sun and the earth, and when facing the sun, a dark disk forms on top of a larger bright disk, creating a ring around the moon.

The Government of Huila, through the Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism, in collaboration with the Villavieja Mayor’s Office, tourist service providers and observatories, is organizing all the details for this special event. In addition to the astronomical phenomenon, a variety of academic and cultural events will take place to take advantage of the occasion and promote the Tatacoa area as a tourist destination.

The partial eclipse will begin at 11:48:58, when the sun will be at a height of 79° above the horizon. At 13:34:11 the annular eclipse proper will begin. During the weekend of October 13 to 15, a wide range of activities will be offered, including a cultural agenda, academic events and a business fair, making this experience a space for the whole family to learn and enjoy.

For those interested in witnessing this unique event, the Huila Governor’s Office invites you to schedule and not miss the annular eclipse in the Tatacoa desert. This will be a memorable opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature and learn more about astronomical phenomena in a privileged place for observation.

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What is an annular eclipse?

An annular eclipse is a type of solar eclipse that occurs when the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, but its apparent size is not large enough to completely cover the solar disk. As a result, a bright ring of light forms around the dark edge of the Moon, giving rise to the term “annular” (from the Latin “annulus”, meaning “ring”).

The reason behind this phenomenon is that the Moon’s orbit around the Earth is not perfectly circular, but slightly elliptical. This means that there are times when the Moon is closest to Earth (perigee) and other times when it is farther away (apogee). When a solar eclipse occurs and the Moon is close to its apogee, its apparent size does not completely cover the Sun, and this luminous ring forms around the shadow cast by the Moon on Earth.

It is important to mention that annular eclipses are less common than total and partial eclipses. In a total eclipse, the Moon completely covers the Sun, while in a partial eclipse, only part of the Sun is hidden by the Moon. Annular eclipses can be just as impressive and beautiful, but it’s essential to take precautions and never look directly at the Sun during an eclipse, as this can seriously damage your eyes. Appropriate sunscreens should always be used for safe viewing of eclipses.


Seeing an annular eclipse can be an exciting and unique experience, but it is important to take into account certain recommendations to enjoy it safely and properly. Here are some suggestions:

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-Use adequate eye protection: Never look directly at the Sun during an eclipse, even if it is partially covered. Intense sunlight can seriously damage your eyes. Wear special eclipse glasses that meet international safety standards for viewing the Sun. These glasses must have sunscreens that block harmful ultraviolet, infrared, and most visible light.

-Use telescopes or binoculars with solar filters: If you are going to use telescopes or binoculars to observe the eclipse, make sure they are equipped with adequate solar filters. Never look directly at the Sun through these devices without proper protection.

-Observe the eclipse through projections: A safe and easy way to observe an eclipse is through projections. You can do this by putting a small hole in a piece of cardboard and projecting the image of the Sun onto a white surface.

-Search information about the event: Find out about the date, time and precise location of the annular eclipse that you want to witness. Also check the weather forecast to make sure the sky will be clear during the event.

-Find a place with good visibility: Find a high place with wide visibility of the horizon in the direction of the Sun. Deserts, beaches or mountains are usually excellent places to observe eclipses.

-Arrive early: Other eclipse enthusiasts may also be present at the site, so arrive early enough to find a good viewing spot.

-Keep calm and enjoy the moment: Observing an annular eclipse is a special experience. Enjoy the natural spectacle and take photos or videos to capture the moment, but also take time to appreciate it directly.

-Share the experience: If possible, share this experience with friends, family or other sky enthusiasts. Sharing the excitement of the eclipse can make the experience even more meaningful.

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-Remember that safety is the most important thing when it comes to observing astronomical events such as an annular eclipse. With the right precautions, you can enjoy this amazing phenomenon in a safe and memorable way.

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