Home » Vlaams Belang would like to be in government, but: “We are not going to hang our pants to get into a government”

Vlaams Belang would like to be in government, but: “We are not going to hang our pants to get into a government”

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Vlaams Belang chairman Tom Van Grieken — © BELGA

Yes, Vlaams Belang would like to join a government after the elections. “But not at all costs,” said chairman Tom Van Grieken at the election conference.

Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 9:37 PM

“If we can participate in governance after the elections, we will certainly not avoid our responsibility,” Tom Van Grieken said on Sunday at his party’s election conference in Ghent. But he emphasized that this will not happen “at any cost”. “Government if possible, opposition if necessary,” says Van Grieken. “We are not going to hang our pants to get into a government. We remain true to our principles. We do not go for power for power’s sake, like Open VLD.”

With his statements, Van Grieken responds to the chance that Vlaams Belang and N-VA will have a joint majority after the next elections. Since the previous elections, he has been preparing his party for possible participation in the Flemish government.

The central focus of the conference was the presentation of the election manifesto of Vlaams Belang. The three themes that the party puts forward are migration, purchasing power and Flemish autonomy. The party promises, among other things, higher net wages, less money for development cooperation and asylum reception, and fewer subsidies to what it calls “left-wing activist” civil society organizations.(pl)

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