Home » Voice of Social Science Representative丨Zhang Xinchun: Hold high the flag and bravely shoulder the mission – News – Hunan Online

Voice of Social Science Representative丨Zhang Xinchun: Hold high the flag and bravely shoulder the mission – News – Hunan Online

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Hold high the flag and shoulder the mission bravely

——Interview with Zhang Xinchun, Executive Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of Shaoshan Municipal Party Committee

Huasheng Online all-media reporter Yang Xingdong

“Better promote the prosperity and development of philosophy and social sciences in the hometown of great men, and make new contributions in the new era and new journey.” Recently, Zhang Xinchun, executive deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Shaoshan Municipal Party Committee, said in an interview with reporters that the ninth representative of the Hunan Provincial Federation of Social Sciences The conference is a grand gathering that holds high the ideological banner and bravely takes on the mission of the times. It is a grand gathering that broadly builds consensus and strives for democratic unity. It is a grand gathering that seeks truth and pragmatism, upholds integrity and innovation, and builds on the past and opens up the future.

Inherit the red gene and continue the red bloodline. In recent years, under the careful guidance of the Provincial Federation of Social Science and Technology and the Xiangtan Federation of Social Science and Technology, Shaoshan City has made great progress in theoretical innovation, cultural relic protection, and red education, and has formed the “Red Education, Constant Learning, and Red Spirit” Carry forward the good situation of “carrying forward the red cultural experience, enriching the red cultural experience, and improving the quality and efficiency of red tourism”. Zhang Xinchun said that Shaoshan will be guided by the spirit of this conference, always hold high the ideological banner, shoulder the glorious mission entrusted by the times, and contribute to the prosperity and development of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics as the hometown of great men.

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How to do it specifically? According to the spirit of the meeting, Zhang Xinchun talked about the “three highlights” based on the reality of Shaoshan.

Highlight ideological guidance and further promote the study, publicity and implementation of innovative theories. Focus on the primary political tasks, thoroughly implement the “Hundred People, Thousands of Events” theoretical propaganda project, and use personalized, focused, interactive, and visual propaganda as breakthroughs to integrate innovative theories into ideological and political teaching, into work practice, into people’s daily lives, and into mass culture activities to create a down-to-earth and popular theoretical propaganda brand of “Come for Reason·Red Rhododendron”.

Emphasis on good use and active use, and further protect and utilize red resources. As a revolutionary memorial site, a demonstration base for revolutionary traditional education and patriotism education, Shaoshan has rich red cultural resources and party history learning and education resources. Red resources must be protected, managed, and used with heart and soul, so that red resources can become an important carrier for propaganda of ideological and cultural work. Strengthen scientific protection, strictly implement the “Shaoshan City Red Resources Protection and Utilization Implementation Plan”, carry out in-depth special census of red resources, improve the red resource database, compile a red resource directory, and ensure the historical authenticity, style integrity and cultural continuity of red resources . Adhere to the unity of politics, ideology, and artistry, and create a series of high-quality exhibitions with high standards, so that red resources can be found, things can be seen, and history can be told, so that red culture can shine in the new era.

Highlight red education and further implement the core socialist values. Implement the decision-making and deployment of the Provincial Party Committee to create a “classic red business card” represented by Shaoshan, closely adhere to the main line of inheriting the red gene, deeply explore the rich red resources of Shaoshan, fully demonstrate the contemporary value and contemporary connotation of red history and culture, and deeply cultivate red education Training, higher standards, higher levels, and higher quality create “My Shaoshan Trip” red study activities for primary and secondary school students in Hunan Province, polish the red study business card; strengthen the research and development of quality courses, improve the construction of quality teaching staff, and standardize the management of red education, Establish the red education brand of “Shaoshan Red Classroom”.

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