Home » Wait up to five years for a guide dog

Wait up to five years for a guide dog

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In 2021, Flemish Minister Zuhal Demir (N-VA) experienced first-hand how important a guide dog is for people who have poor or no vision. — © Chris Nelis

Nowadays, anyone who needs a guide dog for the blind has to exercise a lot of patience. According to the Belgian Center for Guide Dogs (BCG), waiting lists run up to five years, De Zondag writes.

“Currently, it can take between three and five years before a visually impaired person who is affiliated with us can receive a guide dog,” the BCG says. The cause is a shortage of foster homes for puppies. “There must be enough foster families willing to care for such a puppy for a year. If that does not happen, we will not be able to supply guide dogs in the long term.”

The foster families provide basic training, with certain rules. For example, the dog must be walked at least twice a day and is not allowed to play with a ball or swim, says Ans Van Heertum, who provides a guide dog in training. “But the majority of the time the service dog is just like any other household dog.”

After a year there is an evaluation moment for the dog. If the animal passes, it will receive another year of intensive training from the BGC. Afterwards, a match is sought with a visually impaired person as quickly as possible.

More information on guidedhond.be.

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