Home » Walk into “Xuefeiyan” and see what the most professional and largest ski resort in Beijing looks like_Xinhua News

Walk into “Xuefeiyan” and see what the most professional and largest ski resort in Beijing looks like_Xinhua News

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Walk into “Xuefeiyan” and see what the most professional and largest ski resort in Beijing looks like_Xinhua News

Walk into “Snow Feiyan” and see what the most professional and largest ski resort in Beijing looks like

The pace of the Beijing Winter Olympics is getting closer and the alpine skiing competition will be held in Beijing Yanqing, one of the three major competition areas. What will the national alpine skiing center called “Snow Feiyan” look like, which will be open to the public after the game? Reporters from the Beijing Daily client visit the site to show you the most professional and largest ski resort in Beijing!

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Walk into “Snow Feiyan” and see what the most professional and largest ski resort in Beijing looks like




Beijing Daily Client

Zheng Yaqun


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