Home » Wang Hao: Focus on health protection and prevention of severe diseases, and do our best to protect the health and safety of the people_Hangzhou Net

Wang Hao: Focus on health protection and prevention of severe diseases, and do our best to protect the health and safety of the people_Hangzhou Net

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Wang Hao: Focus on health protection and prevention of severe diseases, and do our best to protect the health and safety of the people_Hangzhou Net

Wang Hao: Highlight health protection and prevent severe diseases, and do our best to protect the health and safety of the people

Hangzhou Net Release time: 2022-12-14 10:52

Wang Hao emphasized at the province’s deployment meeting to strengthen the construction of the medical security system

Highlight health protection and prevent severe diseases

Zhejiang News client reported that on the afternoon of the 13th, the province’s deployment meeting for strengthening the construction of the medical security system was held in Hangzhou. Wang Hao, governor of the province and leader of the provincial leading group for the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, presided over and delivered a speech.

The meeting pointed out that the current epidemic prevention and control has entered a new critical stage. All localities and departments must thoroughly implement the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on epidemic prevention and control work, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, and insist on the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life. , accurately grasp the new situation and new tasks of the current epidemic prevention and control, in accordance with the work requirements of the provincial party committee, always maintain strategic determination and clear mind, scientifically and accurately implement the “new ten” optimization measures in place, and strengthen the construction of medical security capabilities in an all-round way , and strive to achieve “protecting health and preventing severe illness”, protect people’s life safety and health to the greatest extent, and minimize the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development.

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The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to effectively improve the ability of medical treatment, further strengthen the construction of fever clinics, optimize the treatment process, improve the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment, and ensure that “all receivables are collected and all should be treated”; further strengthen the construction of designated hospitals, sub-designated hospitals and related medical facilities , Strengthen medical supplies reserves. It is necessary to do a better job in the prevention and control of key groups and key places, accelerate the vaccination of the elderly, strengthen the protection of key institutions and key units such as nursing homes, welfare homes, primary and secondary schools, and kindergartens, improve management measures, and do various tasks more accurately and effectively . It is necessary to vigorously care for and care for medical personnel, and strengthen support and guarantees in all aspects, so that they can always maintain strong combat effectiveness, high morale, and vigorous energy, and continue to devote themselves to work in a healthy manner. It is necessary to scientifically and systematically optimize the working mechanism and command system of epidemic prevention and control, strengthen analysis, research and judgment, and precise scheduling to ensure the safety and stability of the overall social situation. It is necessary to strengthen science popularization and publicity guidance, carry out science popularization and dispel doubts about issues of personal protection, home isolation, and standing medicines that the masses are concerned about, guide the masses to do a good job in personal protection, and create a good social environment.

Cheng Yue made specific work arrangements, and Yao Gaoyuan and Tang Feifan attended. The meeting will be held in the form of video, and each district and city will set up branch venues.

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