Home » “We are a nation in decline”: Trump reveals what will be the biggest US defeat in 200 years

“We are a nation in decline”: Trump reveals what will be the biggest US defeat in 200 years

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“We are a nation in decline”: Trump reveals what will be the biggest US defeat in 200 years

The tycoon pointed out that as a result of the international policy of the current Democratic president, “Russia has united with China”, something he described as “unthinkable”.

The Joe Biden government has inflicted the greatest damage in its history on the United States, both internally and in its foreign policy, former President Donald Trump said on Friday.

«USA is a mess. Our economy is crashing, inflation is out of control,” Trump said, speaking at a conference in Indianapolis for the National Rifle Association, a large US organization that unites gun rights supporters.

«Our coin is crashing and will soon cease to be the world standard, which will be our biggest defeat in 200 years. It was unthinkable just a few years ago, unthinkable that that could happen, but it’s happening right before your very eyes,” said Trump, the Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential election.

The tycoon noted that as a result of the international policy of the current Democratic president, “Russia has united with China“, something that he described as “unthinkable”.

“Saudi Arabia, a great people, has allied itself with Iran. China, Russia, Iran, North Korea have come together as one threatening coalition and destructive,” he continued.

He stressed that when he was president he did not hear of “Russia invading Ukraine or China even having the idea of ​​assaulting Taiwan.”

“If they took the five worst presidents in history of the United States and added them, they would not cause anywhere near the destruction of our country that Joe Biden and his Administration have done, “he indicated and, at another moment in his speech, said:” We are a nation in decline. We are a nation in decline.”

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Referring to the judicial process launched against him, the former president accused the Government of trying to harm his electoral campaign. “Now these lunatics of the radical left want interfere in our choices using law enforcement. We cannot allow that to happen,” he said.

Trump assured that 2024 would be the year in which he would defeat the Democrats, whom he described as “globalist Marxists” and “destroyers of the nation”, as well as “rhinos and tyrants«.

«If they put me back in the White House his reign [el de los demócratas] it will be over and America will be a free nation again,” he declared.

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