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“We have not achieved much, but there is progress”: Francia Márquez

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“We have not achieved much, but there is progress”: Francia Márquez

In the last month, the vice president installed an inter-institutional table in Chocó whose objectives are to seek collective reparation, lasting solutions and guarantees of non-repetition for communities and peoples; She was in Santander de Quilichao, declaring it the first territory free of suspicions of antipersonnel mines, delivered humanitarian aid in Cauca and Chocó, and released the details of a tour of Africa for which she will set sail on May 10.

Sources from the Vice Presidency suggest that the results of the administration are not seen quickly for two reasons. The first, because it implies coordination with many sectors that is still being finalized; the second, because the tasks assigned to him by the president are dialogue and the results end up being announced by other entities.

The officials know that these tasks, almost internal diplomacy, that Petro gave to France can play against it and they hope that the results will be more evident in a month, or less, when the three presidential decrees that are going to finalize the constitution of the portfolio.

The same vice president acknowledged that “we have not yet achieved much, but we have made progress.” She uttered that phrase in an interview with the alternative media Cofradia para el Cambio that she gave two weeks ago, her most recent conversation with a media outlet.

And he added that “the opposition does not have solid arguments to confront the government politically” and that the traditional media are creating in society a perception that “it is not like that”, as that it has become vain, that it is not humble since it arrived to power, nor that he has a house in Miami. All of that refutes it.

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However, the opposition is concerned that his communication style resembles that of other officials who have continued to operate in campaign mode. This is a recurring theme in the Petro administration, as the vice president, president and a sizable portion of the cabinet appear to be more active in the campaign than the administration. They have shown a lot of arrogance, contempt for the general public and lack of respect for the legal system, said Senator Paola Holguín.

Francia Márquez will travel this week to South Africa, Kenya and Ethiopia as part of a mission to strengthen Colombia’s ties with the African Union. The grade for the next management exam will be determined by the new company that starts operations in the country after her visit. In diplomatic matters, money changes relationships. For now, the present is in ellipsis.

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