Home » “What I feel is that the Court is afraid of the Assembly or I don’t know if the government party”: Ruth Eleonora López

“What I feel is that the Court is afraid of the Assembly or I don’t know if the government party”: Ruth Eleonora López

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“What I feel is that the Court is afraid of the Assembly or I don’t know if the government party”: Ruth Eleonora López

This Thursday in the Encuentro interview with Julio Villagrán, the head of anti-corruption and justice at Cristosal, Ruth Eleonora López, spoke about the work carried out by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) prior to the 2024 elections, considering that the collegiate entity is administering an electoral process that has not been designed by it, but by other entities, also leaving others to decide for them.

For López, distrust is not being managed in El Salvador, it is being fed since an electoral process is being administered not designed by the Court, but by legislators and fundamentally by the executive, referring to electronic voting and abroad for the next year, which has caused delays in the process and failure to comply with the stipulated times.

He affirmed that the TSE is letting others decide for them as the highest electoral authority, in this case the deputies, who did not consult the Court to make the law on electronic voting and abroad, and design the process.

“What I feel is that the Court is very afraid of the Assembly, I don’t know if the government party, public opinion, or the way public opinion is manipulated”he expressed.

In this sense, for the head of anti-corruption at Cristosal, the collegiate body is doing the right thing by asking the Legislative Assembly for a reform of the law on voting abroad to extend the term to define the electronic voting system, since it is a matter of responsibility, since this will not prevent the suffrage from being ready for election day.

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“The issue is, either we take a little longer and we do it well or we mess up and we get a goat-vote, I think the issue is one of responsibility,” López said.

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