Home » When investigating the work of the United Front, Qin Baoqiang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, emphasized the construction of a large united front work pattern, gathered talents and concentrated efforts to serve the overall situation around the center, and contributed to the overall situation_Luohe Municipal People’s Government

When investigating the work of the United Front, Qin Baoqiang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, emphasized the construction of a large united front work pattern, gathered talents and concentrated efforts to serve the overall situation around the center, and contributed to the overall situation_Luohe Municipal People’s Government

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Qin Baoqiang, secretary of the municipal party committee, emphasized when investigating the work of the united front

Construct the work pattern of the great united front, gather talents and focus on the center to serve the overall situation, and make new achievements

Release date: 2023-06-28 08:24

Source: Luohe Daily

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On June 26, Qin Baoqiang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, visited and investigated the municipal committees of various democratic parties and relevant departments of the United Front System, visited and expressed condolences to cadres and workers, and presided over a symposium. Jia Hongyu, Zhou Xinhe, Jiao Hongyan, Li Shechen, Luo Weimin, Li Yaojun and others participated.

Qin Baoqiang walked into the municipal committees of various democratic parties, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau and other departments, had a cordial conversation with cadres and workers, and expressed his gratitude to everyone for their hard work.

At the subsequent symposium, Qin Baoqiang carefully listened to the work report of the relevant departments of the city’s United Front System and the speeches of representatives of the democratic parties and new social strata, and discussed and exchanged some difficulties and breakthrough points in the work, analyzed the crux of the problem, and clarified Striving Direction. He pointed out that since last year, the city’s united front has thoroughly studied and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on doing a good job in the party’s united front work in the new era, and fully implemented the spirit of the central, provincial and municipal united front work conferences. Taking overall control and implementing the “three modernizations and three specializations” mechanism, the work structure of the United Front will be more perfect, the common ideological and political foundation will be more solid, the service economy will be more promising, the overall situation of harmony and stability will be more consolidated, and social services will be more effective.

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Qin Baoqiang emphasized that to do a good job in united front work in the new era, we must firmly grasp the essential requirement of “great unity and great unity” and give full play to the important role of the united front as a magic weapon. We must grasp the fundamentals of the party’s overall leadership, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, continue to improve the pattern of the great united front work, and continuously enhance the party’s political leadership, ideological leadership, mass organization, and social appeal; Always put the party’s leadership throughout the entire process of united front work to ensure that the united front work advances along the correct political direction; Achieve two-way participation, two-way assistance, and cohesion. It is necessary to focus on the key of serving the overall situation of the center, identify the entry point of multi-party cooperation, continue to improve the working mechanism of the whole chain, support the democratic parties to carry out investigation and research around the work of the center, and provide reference for the municipal party committee to make scientific and legal decisions; highlight the private economic united front Focus on using sufficient policies and mechanisms to solve the development problems of private enterprises, unite and mobilize, encourage and guide private entrepreneurs to practice their internal skills and serve the overall situation in terms of coupling the “five chains” and creating the “six most” innovation highlands; Focusing on the key points of intelligent work, centering on the city’s modern industrial system and high-level talent multiplication actions, attract more well-known Taiwanese-funded Taiwanese enterprises to settle in the food industry park, attract more senior intellectuals and new social class people to come to Luobo for development; seize Innovate in the construction of online positions, unite people from the Internet class, play a positive leading role, and contribute more united front forces to the construction of a modern Luohe. We must stick to the bottom line of preventing and resolving major risks, be sensitive to the political responsibility of “always rest assured”, grasp the small ones early, comprehensively investigate and rectify hidden risks in the field of united front, and strive to achieve intrinsic safety; highlight the initiative to create stability, maintain stability at the source, Establish a stable system, prevent risks and hidden dangers at the source, resolve them at the grassroots level, and eliminate them in the bud; handle ethnic, religious, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese affairs in strict accordance with the law, so that the law is appropriate and effective to win the hearts of the people, and the stability of the united front is the overall stability of the city Contribute responsibly. It is necessary to build a solid foundation for strengthening the team of non-Party representatives, adhere to the employment orientation of treating cadres inside and outside the Party equally and focusing on performance, strengthen the planning for the echelon training and use of non-Party cadres, and put outstanding talents from all walks of life in key positions. Earnestly respect talents, cherish talents, reuse talents, and unite more members of the united front around the party.

Qin Baoqiang demanded that the cadres of the united front system should talk about politics with a clear-cut stand, constantly improve their working ability, and further improve the quality and effectiveness of united front work; Temperature, pay attention to the way to make friends, make real friends, dare to take responsibility, be good at uniting all forces that can be united, and strive to promote “single work to be the first, the overall work to be advanced”, to build a modern food city, a city of innovation, happiness City, making new and greater contributions to building a Chinese-style modern version of Luohe.

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Edit: liangy

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