Home » When will the work of Cristo Rey be delivered in Cali?

When will the work of Cristo Rey be delivered in Cali?

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When will the work of Cristo Rey be delivered in Cali?

The construction of the different phases that make up the integral project called: “Cristo Rey” is advancing rapidly in Cali.

The mayor of Cali, Jorge Iván Ospina, recognized the importance and the offerings that this great work will provide to the citizens of Cali.

“Really, this public space is very important for the city, a space for contemplation, hiking, sports and for birdlife,” said the president of the people of Cali.

“It is a project that connects San Fernando with the Cerro de Cristo Rey. I am really very happy that we have managed to develop this project with elevated trails, of great importance to our people”, he added.

“The goal is to deliver this work to Cali before the end of my term. It is the objective and we are going to fulfill it ”, added the burgomaster.

Cristo Rey will be a cultural, religious, environmental and sports work, disciplines that will be exalted with this project.

Having an environmental corridor that connects the flat area with the monument is a very significant aspect for the capital of the Valley.

The secretariats of Economic Development, Tourism, the Municipal Companies of Cali – Emcali, the Special Administrative Unit of Services and the Administrative Department of Environmental Management – Dagma, achieved the landscape adaptation and the recovery of the 50 hectares, as well as the luminaries of the monument and the transfer of the antennas anchored on this tutelary hill.


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