Home » With modern equipment HRPL performed laparoscopic surgery

With modern equipment HRPL performed laparoscopic surgery

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With modern equipment HRPL performed laparoscopic surgery

At the Rosario Pumarejo Hospital in López de Valledupar, surgery was performed for the first time with laparoscopy equipment on a 52-year-old patient. The surgical intervention was a removal of the billiard gallbladder, in which high-tech medical equipment that recently arrived at the health entity was used, such as a laparoscopy tower that will allow patients treated with pathologies that require Surgeries of this type can have more timely care and a quicker and more effective recovery.

This procedure was carried out by the surgical specialist, Luis Joaquín Palomino Sánchez, who explained how he worked with the new team, highlighting that the operation was a complete success.

This was announced during a visit to the HRPL by the National Health Superintendent, Luis Carlos Leal, accompanied by the governor in charge of Cesar, José Francisco Sequeda, and the entity’s intervening manager, Duver Vargas, to receive equipment and financed works. by the departmental administration.

It is worth remembering that this ESE managed to recover from the financial crisis with liabilities in the order of $122,000 million, to a care model with more services, timely payment to care staff, good collection, and a modern infrastructure and provision promoted by the territorial entity. .

“In coordination with a committed government entity and a Government committed to investing in public health, it has been possible to guarantee the mission of the Superintendency of Health, which is that the resources reach where they need to go, transforming and changing lives,” said Luis Carlos Leal.

Eider Ochoa, president of the Association of Users of the Rosario Pumarejo de López Hospital, indicated that “this healthcare center has changed 100%, we thank the Government of Cesar because without their help we would not have these advances. The service has been very excellent since there is opportunity for appointments and the user is attended to in a timely manner.” He added, when referring to the expansion of the outpatient clinic, that “this new area will facilitate the stay of users, whose number has increased.”

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For his part, the governor in charge, José Francisco Sequeda, ratified the commitment to the Hospital.

“With investment projects we were able to advance in the construction and expansion of the emergency service for $14,300 million, this has been an articulated work, but we did not stop there, we also provided it, and this was a department resource for $5,128 million that allows today 100% effectiveness in providing the emergency service with optimal equipment with criteria under the standard,” said the official.

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