Home » with serenade and flowers followers go to his grave

with serenade and flowers followers go to his grave

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with serenade and flowers followers go to his grave

On May 26, 1957, in La Junta, a city within the municipality of San Juan del Cesar, La Guajira, was born one of many biggest and most remembered vallenato musicians, Diomedes Díaz Maestre, who would have turned 67 this Sunday.

Thanks to the efforts of the artist, the vallenato grew to become profitable all through the nation and overseas, changing into a reference for different artists of this sort who now notice the significance that the soldier of Diomedes had of their artistic endeavors.

This is the legacy of music ‘King of La Junta’named after his buddy and colleague Rafael Orozco, lives perpetually within the hearts and minds of fiction lovers, which is why his birthday is ignored.


Many of Diomedes Díaz’s followers come to the Jardines del Ecce Homo cemetery in Valledupar to have a good time his birthday and honor his musical legacy.

During the day it is not uncommon to see vallenato teams singing their songs, whereas others sing in unison and applaud. Flowers are additionally a part of the cost, therefore the grave ‘King of La Junta’ It’s nearly like a backyard.


Without Measuring Distances

She is a queen

Three Songs

The Wounded Condor

I could not love you extra

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My First Gray Hair

Maria Espejo

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