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World Whale and Dolphin Day

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World Whale and Dolphin Day

It is celebrated and commemorated on July 23 of each year and its main objective is to raise awareness about stopping the indiscriminate and tortuous hunting of these beautiful endangered animals.

The origin of this environmental event dates back to 1986 when the International Whaling Commission (CBI) decided to proclaim that day as the World Day Against Whaling. Although 37 years have passed since this historic event, there are still many countries that persist in hunting these aquatic mammals.

In reality, the problem is that there are an equal number of countries within the IWC that are for and against the hunting of these specimens, so a formal agreement has never been reached. Another relevant detail is that the countries that hunt them assure that they do so for scientific and non-commercial purposes, despite the fact that it has been shown that on many occasions this is not the case.

What is the International Whaling Commission (IWC)?

It is a world organization, founded in 1946, in charge of the conservation of whales and the management of whaling. The Commission currently has 88 member countries around the world. The mandate has not changed, but there are many new conservation concerns and the IWC’s work program now also includes bycatch and entanglement events, ship strikes, ocean noise, pollution and debris, and sustainable whale watching.

The Office for Sustainability wants this day to be celebrated as a day of reflection on the importance that these large mammals that cross the oceans can continue to live. A moment to evaluate, think and reflect on our present and future action.

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What threats do whales and dolphins face?


Whales are captured to market their meat, which is especially appreciated by the Japanese public. Its oil that is used at an industrial level. The ambergris used as a fixative in the manufacture of aromas and perfumes. Spermaceti, also called “white whale” and highly valued in cosmetics. And the endocrine glands from which vitamins and hormones are extracted.

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Dolphins are hunted for their highly valued meat in Japanese and South Asian cuisine. For which they are herded to the slaughterhouses, where they bleed to death after being beaten and slit their throats.

accidental deaths

The euphemistically called “by-catch” is a side effect of indiscriminate fishing, that is, the most unsustainable way of catching fish that exists. Dolphins and whales (as well as many other lung-bearing animals) are caught in fixed or trawl nets. And unable to rise to the surface to breathe, they drown.

Whales, due to their large size, often collide with ships and many die from the large injuries received. Dolphins also suffer this type of “accidents”, which are caused to a large extent because the geolocation systems of the boats interfere in the area, disorienting them and leaving them adrift.

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