Home » Xi Jinping despatched a congratulatory letter to the eighth China-Russia Expo

Xi Jinping despatched a congratulatory letter to the eighth China-Russia Expo

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President Xi Jinping Sends Congratulatory Letter to eighth China-Russia Expo

On May 17, 2024, President Xi Jinping despatched a congratulatory letter to the eighth China-Russia Expo, emphasizing the numerous progress in bilateral relations between the 2 nations.

In his letter, Xi Jinping highlighted the stable developments in China-Russia relations, attributing the success to the joint efforts of each nations. As 2024 marks the seventy fifth anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, Xi Jinping expressed optimism for the longer term, stating that the 2 nations are at a brand new historic start line with huge improvement alternatives forward.

The China-Russia Expo, which serves as a vital platform for enhancing financial and commerce cooperation, opened in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, with the theme of “Cooperation, Mutual Trust, Opportunities.” Co-organized by the Ministry of Commerce, the People’s Government of Heilongjiang Province, the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, and the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, the expo goals to facilitate deep exchanges and collaboration between industries in each nations.

Xi Jinping urged members from all sectors to leverage the expo as a chance to foster mutual cooperation, share sources, and drive the great strategic partnership between China and Russia within the new period.

The eighth China-Russia Expo symbolizes the dedication of each nations to strengthen ties and bolster financial collaboration for the advantage of their peoples. Through joint efforts and enhanced communication, China and Russia are set to usher in a brand new chapter of prosperity and development of their bilateral relations.

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