Home » Xianyou County Public Security Bureau held a series of activities to celebrate the 4th Chinese People’s Police Day – Original from this website – Southeast Net

Xianyou County Public Security Bureau held a series of activities to celebrate the 4th Chinese People’s Police Day – Original from this website – Southeast Net

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Flag Raising Ceremony Marks Fourth Chinese People’s Police Day in Xianyou County

In celebration of the Fourth Chinese People’s Police Day and in honor of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Xianyou County Public Security Bureau held a series of activities on March 10th. The day began with a solemn flag-raising ceremony, where the national flag was raised as the national anthem played, and participants paid their respects to the flag and the motherland.

Following the flag-raising ceremony, a series of events took place, including the 2023 commendation ceremony of the county’s public security organs, the honorary retirement of police officers, and the awarding ceremony of new police officers. The atmosphere was festive as all personnel witnessed these significant moments in the careers of the police officers.

Cai Guomin, member of the Party Committee of the Putian Municipal Public Security Bureau, deputy county magistrate of Xianyou County, and director of the Xianyou County Public Security Bureau, led the activities and extended holiday greetings to all police, civilian, and auxiliary police on behalf of the Party Committee of the Xianyou County Public Security Bureau.

In addition to the main events, the Xianyou County Public Security Bureau also organized activities such as the “Calligraphy Art Photography Exhibition”, “Old Objects Exhibition”, and “110 Publicity Day” to showcase the new achievements and new look of the county’s public security organs.

Through these activities, the Xianyou County Public Security Bureau demonstrated its commitment to upholding the spirit of the Party and the people-centered development idea, while also encouraging police officers to continue their duty with loyalty and commitment.

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The celebration was a testament to the dedication and service of the police officers in Xianyou County and served as a reminder of the importance of public security in creating a safer and more stable society.

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