Home » Xukuang Group’s Zhangshuanglou Mine has solidly carried out special actions to address the root cause of production safety_China Jiangsu Net-jsnews.jschina.com.cn

Xukuang Group’s Zhangshuanglou Mine has solidly carried out special actions to address the root cause of production safety_China Jiangsu Net-jsnews.jschina.com.cn

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Xukuang Group Making Strides in Production Safety Measures

In a series of recent news articles, Xukuang Group has been highlighted for its efforts in addressing production safety concerns in its various mining operations.

At the Zhangshuanglou Mine, special actions have been taken to address the root cause of production safety issues. The mine has implemented measures to ensure the safety of its workers and enhance overall operational safety.

Similarly, the Xin’an Coal Mining Company, another subsidiary of Xukuang Group, has taken significant steps to improve safety standards. The company has implemented the “Four Nos” measures to create a solid foundation for safety, reinforcing its commitment to ensuring the well-being of its employees.

Xukuang Group as a whole has been focused on promoting innovation and intelligence to empower safe development across its operations. By creating a culture of safety and innovation, the company aims to foster a productive and secure work environment.

The Tianshan Mining Company, a part of Xukuang Group, has also been proactive in improving productivity and safety through skills training programs. By empowering workers with the necessary skills and knowledge, the company is driving new productivity in its mines.

Overall, Xukuang Group’s commitment to production safety and innovation is evident in its various initiatives and actions. As the company continues to strive for excellence, it is setting a strong example for the mining industry as a whole.

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