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“You also have to learn from defeats”

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“You also have to learn from defeats”

Julián Andrés Santa

At 21 years old, Juliana Giraldo, the greatest exponent of badminton in Risaralda and one of the main ones in Colombia, takes advantage of this beginning of the year for something that was unusual during her last three years: “I have taken advantage of it to be with the family, to rest and to solve personal things, so this time has been kind of helpful and I’m just doing the gym every other day.”

They haven’t started training yet

Due to delays in the delivery of the Minor Coliseum, many leagues have not yet been able to officially start their 2024 training, including badminton. “They haven’t told us anything, as far as I know, they haven’t delivered the coliseum yet and we haven’t had a response nor do we know if we can train there or not, so we are waiting to see what they tell us.”

Does this affect your sporting process?

“Yes, it worries me because I like vacations but I haven’t trained badminton for more than a month now but I hope this will be resolved soon, maybe in this first semester there aren’t as many things so it’s a matter of preparing and improving in some aspects.”

What do you think you need to improve on?

“Improve things in training in tactics and technique and get stronger in the gym and then start looking at what tournaments there are. We are not doing it this semester because it is very close to the Olympic Games, so it is not beneficial to go to these events; Then it starts again as the normal ranking to score points at the international level and already aiming for the Los Angeles Olympics in 2028.”

Could not start the Olympic Cycle

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“I dropped out of the Olympic Cycle for financial reasons, it is very expensive to do so and I didn’t have the money. Obviously the Government supports me but it is not enough with everything I had to do to be able to qualify, so those three years that remain before the classification is to be able to look for sponsors who can support me in implements or money for the events and there Yes, I can do the whole cycle.”

The loss of the venue in the Pan American Games

“It is very sad because they are very important games and having them in Colombia is more gratifying to be able to have that support, that group of people, that the family can go see you and sad because what they had was not fulfilled. But if I’m not bad, there’s still like a light over there, but let’s see what happens. I hope that the games here in the country can be resumed again.”

Learning after Nationals

There is no doubt that Juliana Giraldo was one of the main candidates to win a medal in the last National Games in badminton. However, the athlete talks about the learning she learned. “The experience was very nice, I think I left everything on the field with my teammates, we didn’t get the results we wanted, many situations happened in games but hey, that’s sport and you have to learn from defeats, you don’t always know “You can win and you are not always going to lose, so it is not only the experience and looking forward to other goals that I have and it is already one more step that is already left behind and to continue working,” he points out.

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One of Juliana Giraldo’s goals is to be able to start the Olympic Cycle heading to Los Angeles 2028. Let us remember that the previous competitions are: Bolivarian, South American, Central American and Caribbean Games, and Pan American Games.

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