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Zhang Boli Calls on the Masses to Rationally Use Drugs Rationally

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Zhang Boli Calls on the Masses to Rationally Use Drugs Rationally

Are the anti-epidemic Chinese medicine prescriptions circulated on the Internet reliable? Can Chinese medicine and Western medicine be taken together? When should the medication be started? In response to the current public concern about the use of traditional Chinese medicine to treat the new crown, Zhang Boli, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said in an interview that Omicron infection is not terrible, and the vast majority of infected people can fully recover within 7-10 days, but the general public should use it rationally. Rational use of medicines, avoid rushing to doctors in a hurry and overdosing, try not to take western antipyretics and traditional Chinese medicines for colds at the same time, and at the same time, grasp the principle of “stop when the symptoms disappear” and stop taking medicines in time after the symptoms disappear. Try to choose only one kind of traditional Chinese medicine for cold medicine. This kind of medicine mostly contains bitter and cold medicine for clearing away heat and detoxifying. If used in combination, it will easily hurt the spleen and stomach, which is not conducive to the recovery.

Zhang Boli said that bad emotions such as panic and anxiety may lead to the decline of human immunity, and a positive attitude is of great benefit to the prevention and treatment of diseases. It is necessary to ensure that protective measures are in place every day, and there is no need to panic after infection, but to relax and deal with it.

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