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Zhou Zuyi investigates and inspects epidemic prevention and control work in Fuzhou

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Zhou Zuyi investigates and inspects epidemic prevention and control work in Fuzhou

Zhou Zuyi investigated and inspected the epidemic prevention and control work in Fuzhou

www.fjsen.com 2022-11-23 16:19:39 Source: Southeast Net
let me say a few words

Detailed implementation of various optimization prevention and control measures

Resolutely hold on to the hard-won results of prevention and control

Zhou Zuyi investigated and inspected the epidemic prevention and control work in Fuzhou

Southeast Net News, November 23 (Fujian Daily reporter Zhou Lin/Wen Xiaochundao/Picture) On November 23, Zhou Zuyi, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, investigated and inspected the epidemic prevention and control work in Fuzhou, visited the front-line prevention and control staff, and had a discussion with disease control experts comminicate. Zhou Zuyi emphasized that it is necessary to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on epidemic prevention and control, unify thoughts and actions into the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, unswervingly adhere to the supremacy of the people and life, and unswervingly adhere to the “foreign defense imported The general strategy of “anti-rebound, internal prevention and rebound”, unswervingly adhere to the general policy of “dynamic clearing”, carefully implement various optimized prevention and control measures, resolutely hold on to the hard-won results of prevention and control, and ensure that the epidemic is prevented and the economy is stabilized 1. Development must be safe, and the concrete effects of studying and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China should be reflected with practical actions.

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At the Fuzhou Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters, Zhou Zuyi listened to the report on Fuzhou’s epidemic prevention and control and the implementation of 20 optimization measures. Isolation point management, etc. Zhou Zuyi said that epidemic prevention and control is combat, and persistence is victory. I hope that everyone will stick to the front line of prevention and control, maintain continuous operations, strengthen confidence and overcome difficulties with an efficient and pragmatic style and a highly responsible spirit, so as to provide strong support for winning the battle of epidemic prevention and control and annihilation. At the same time, it is necessary to arrange shifts reasonably, take turns scientifically, and pay attention to strengthening self-protection.

During the discussion, Zhou Zuyi listened carefully to the opinions and suggestions of experts. He pointed out that at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, there are many major activities in our province, many people returning to their hometowns, and the frequent flow of people, combined with the influence of winter and spring climate factors, the situation of epidemic prevention and control is severe and complicated, and the pressure of “external defense input and internal defense rebound” continues to increase. big. It is necessary to keep a clear head, do a good job in the fight against the current round of the epidemic in Fuzhou, and take more resolute, decisive, and more precise measures to ensure that the epidemic is eliminated as soon as possible. It is necessary to strictly perform territorial responsibilities, carry out high-quality regional nucleic acid screening, respond and deal with positive cases as soon as possible, race against time to control risk personnel and risk points, and resolutely prevent the epidemic from dragging its tail. It is necessary to improve the normalized epidemic prevention and control work, improve the early detection and quick disposal mechanism, timely study and judge the epidemic situation at home and abroad, strengthen the closed-loop management of the entire process of entry personnel, and carry out detailed and practical “arrival inspection” for entry personnel and “prescribed inspection” for key personnel. , Risk personnel “timely inspection” and other key tasks, continue to explore the use of technology, social governance and other means to improve the scientificity, accuracy and effectiveness of prevention and control. It is necessary to adhere to and make good use of effective experience, practices and mechanisms, continue to explore and innovate, and accelerate the improvement of basic emergency response capabilities such as flow traceability, nucleic acid testing, isolation rooms, and medical treatment, so as to be prepared.

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Zhou Zuyi requested that the provincial and municipal epidemic prevention and control headquarters should play an efficient overall planning role, promote the vertical connection at the provincial, city, county and township levels and the horizontal connection between various departments and units, and improve the overall effectiveness of the flat command system. It is necessary to give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of grassroots party organizations and the majority of party members, strengthen immunization, publicity and education on the rule of law, and popularization of health knowledge, better rely on the masses, mobilize the masses, organize the masses, and let the masses support and actively participate in epidemic prevention and control. Control and control to form a powerful joint force of joint defense, joint control, and group defense and group governance.

Provincial leaders Lin Baojin, Wu Kailin and Li Dejin participated.

Editor in charge: Sun Jinzhen

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