Home » After the disappointment in the playoffs the roads of Rivarolese and Stefanetto split

After the disappointment in the playoffs the roads of Rivarolese and Stefanetto split

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After the disappointment in the playoffs the roads of Rivarolese and Stefanetto split


Change to the technical guide of the Rivarolese. After missing the playoffs in the Promotion championship, the paths of the grenade club of president Juan Carlos Surace and coach Gianmarco Stefanetto have divided. The Rivarolese management after having carried out the so-called casting, probing more than one candidacy, opted for Manuel Lami, a forty-nine year old coach from Chivasso, last year coach before the then La Chivasso (company failed at the beginning of autumn 2021) and then during the season at Cigliano, always a First-class club. Second lieutenant of the Italian Army, Manuel Lami is not, however, for the first time with the rivarolese grenades, since he was already in Rivarolo three seasons ago, coaching the 2002 Allievi team and, after the exoneration of Mr. Roberto Berta from the first team, he ferried the altocanavesana formation at the end of the season. A very important return, after his experiences in the youth sector, first to Gassinosanraffaele (Juniores) then to Ivrea (Allievi) and finally as coach of the first team, as mentioned, first to La Chivasso and then to Cigliano, as he comments: ” very happy to be able to return to coach in Rivarolo – these were Lami’s first words. I immediately liked the new project of the club which, compared to the past, wants to set up a young team and at the same time, as usual, be ambitious. I did not mention specific names of players to the management, but rather I asked for players with certain characteristics and who can be functional to the project we have in mind ».

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President Juan Carlos Surace also explains: «The choice fell on a coach who had already worked for us at the youth sector level. As for the squad, at the moment no one has yet asked us for the sale. Certainly, however, the striker Capobianco will no longer be part of the squad ». –

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