Home » Agent: Bale will leave Real Madrid to retire?Have to wait and see Wales_Barnett_Cardiff_World Cup

Agent: Bale will leave Real Madrid to retire?Have to wait and see Wales_Barnett_Cardiff_World Cup

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Agent: Bale will leave Real Madrid to retire?Have to wait and see Wales_Barnett_Cardiff_World Cup

Original title: Agent: Bale will leave Real Madrid to retire?Have to wait and see Wales

Bale’s contract with Real Madrid will expire this summer. Recently, Bell’s agent Jonathan Barnett officially confirmed that the Welshman will leave the Bernabeu. At the same time, on the news that Bell may choose to retire directly, Jonathan Barnett said that we will have to wait and see.

“He will leave Real Madrid, but we’ll have to wait and see what Wales can do. It all depends on whether Wales get to the World Cup and then we’ll make a decision that could affect what Wales can do. No to the World Cup. More likely to go back to England? I think yes. But we’ll have to wait and see if Wales qualify for the World Cup.”

Prior to this, Championship Cardiff City boss Steve Morison had said that if Bale could be signed, it would be a no-brainer deal and they would be willing to be a “listening party”. Jonathan Barnett responded: “Who isn’t? Is there anyone who doesn’t want to be a ‘listener’? I’m not going to call Bale and tell him ‘Oh, by the way, do you want to go to Cardiff?’ It’s definitely a no-brainer, it’s going to be great, it’s a huge motivator for everyone.”

“But if it happens, Bale has to be part of the change and he needs to adapt and believe in it all. I’m sure if anything like this is going to happen then I’ll have a good chat with him because there’s a lot to talk about , one of which is how to make sure the media doesn’t find out.”

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(Editor: King of the South of Bavaria)Return to Sohu, see more


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