Home » Alexander Nübel and FC Bayern – The never-ending story

Alexander Nübel and FC Bayern – The never-ending story

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Alexander Nübel and FC Bayern – The never-ending story

As of: March 27, 2024 3:28 p.m

The collaboration between FC Bayern and Alexander Nübel seems like an eternal misunderstanding. Nevertheless, the Munich team is hoping for a contract extension with the goalkeeper – in order to preserve the chance that he will actually become Neuer’s successor.

A curious boy ventures into the parallel world of fantasy, which he actually only knows from a story. On his journey he discovers that larger and larger parts of this fantastic world are suddenly simply disappearing. Bastian Balthasar Bux becomes more and more entangled, experiences adventures and can no longer find his way home. “The Neverending Story” by Michael Ende is one of the most popular German-language children’s novels.

It is not unlikely that Alexander Nübel held the book in his hand at some point in his childhood room in Salzkotten or at least saw the film. Nübel is now 27 years old and has found himself caught up in a confusing, seemingly never-ending story for years.

FC Bayern and Nübel: False promises and the eternal new guy

It was Hasan Salihamidzic, an official at FC Bayern Munich at the time, who told Nübel a story that sounded fantastic. In the not too distant future, the then 23-year-old goalkeeper of FC Schalke 04 was supposed to succeed the great goalkeeping magician Manuel Neuer and take on one of the biggest tasks in European football: protecting the Munich Bayern goal from opponents’ attacks. In order to introduce him to this task, Salihamidzic promised him that he should get a guarantee of playing and be on the pitch in at least a few competitions before he says goodbye to his imminent retirement.

A promise that was made without Neuer’s consent and without taking into account that the then 34-year-old Neuer had always flirted with ending his career beyond the age of 40. And so Nübel went into this fantasy world and soon realized how little by little it was disappearing.

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New home: Nübel shines in Stuttgart

Because Neuer didn’t even think about sharing his playing time with Nübel. In his first season in Munich, the young goalkeeper made just four competitive appearances and realized that there would be no getting past Neuer and that his career would not end in the very near future. This was followed by a trip to AS Monaco, where he was the regular goalkeeper on loan, but was not permanently signed.

After a few disputes with FC Bayern, the next stop this season was in Stuttgart, where Nübel did extremely well. With VfB he is currently surprisingly in third place in the table. Stuttgart will probably qualify for the Champions League because of Nübel’s performance.

These performances are so good that the people of Munich are very reluctant to let this never-ending story end. But time is running out. The working paper expires in 2025 – and if you don’t want to lose Nübel for free after four competitive games in five years, then you have to react. Nübel feels comfortable in Stuttgart, VfB is enthusiastic about Nübel, but cannot afford the transfer fee and the Munich team would be reluctant to let a possible new successor (should he actually retire at some point) slip through their fingers.

FCB coachrechner is hoping for a contract extension

And so FC Bayern’s goalkeeping coach Michaelrechner is hoping for a solution: “I believe that it could make absolute sense for everyone involved if he stays at VfB if this form of cooperation could be continued.” VfB has also shown itself to be in favor of such a solution in the past. But what the main actor himself wants is unclear. He is currently not commenting publicly. According to reports, he wants the certainty that he will actually be number one from 2025, when Neuer’s working paper expires. It is not clear whether and what this insurance might look like based on the previous history. Especially since the name of BVB keeper Gregor Kobel is repeatedly mentioned in the media as his new successor.

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But there is also another way out. Far away from Säbener Straße, vague promises and the outshining Manuel Neuer. Because Nübel’s achievements have also drawn the attention of foreign clubs. Currently these are supposed to be Sporting Club from Lisbon and AS Roma. Both clubs have an international reputation, but are not particularly well-staffed in the goalkeeper position. However, they are far from the big dream with which Nübel once set out for Munich. It will soon be decided what the next chapter in this never-ending story looks like.

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Source: BR24Sport on the radio March 27, 2024 – 12:55 p.m

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