Home » Alleghe Hockey, Paolo De Biasio in the technical pictures of the owls

Alleghe Hockey, Paolo De Biasio in the technical pictures of the owls

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Paolo De Biasio with the president of the Alleghe Adriano Levis

The red and white flag will be the supervisor and coach of the youth teams. “We need to bring enthusiasm back to the ice and create dreams in our kids”

It was only a matter of time, he told himself. A good forecast. Paolo De Biasio returns to be part of the technical organization of the Alleghe Hockey.

Supervisor and coach of the youth teams the two positions that the Civette have assigned to him. All in a season deemed to be a relaunch for the entire nursery, with the intention of increasingly reconnecting the bond of boys and girls of the Agordina valley with the sport that has given and still will give the entire territory so much prestige.


De Biasio, a vigilant from Alleghe, was the captain of those Civette capable of winning the unforgettable Alpenliga in Villach in 1992, beating Silvio Berlusconi’s Devils Milano in the Final Four and Bolzano in the final.

Papa di Francesco, another column of the red and white rearguard in more recent times, therefore returns to be part of the Alleghe family in the first person.

After having entrusted the bench to Alessandro Fontana, the president Adriano Levis, assisted by his collaborators, thus inserts another “doc” Allegiance into the company.

«De Biasio will personally follow the sporting growth of the children of the nursery», Alleghe underlines in a press release, «trying to bring the youngest ones closer to this wonderful sport which is ice hockey. Endowed with strong charisma, experience and competence, the watchful mustachioed is never alfar from this discipline, occupying for several years, as a coach, the bench of the Veneto Committee and the national youth teams ».

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These are the first words of Paolo De Biasio. already with very clear ideas regarding the new role.

«I am happy to embark on this adventure with the Alleghe. Speaking with the president and the coach Fontana – with whom I have already worked with the youth national teams – we all agree that enthusiasm for hockey needs to be brought back to the young people of the whole Agordina Mountain Community. We must, as far as we can, create dreams in these kids. In my day, for example, it was fantastic to see the players leave by bus for their trips to Bolzano. Nowadays, the very young hockey players dream of a hockey homeland like Canada. Times have changed and it is necessary to develop in them passion and enthusiasm with which it is easier to make the sacrifices that will be used to reach certain sporting levels. I am close to retirement and for someone like me with a light heart and about twenty Serie A championships behind him, all played with the red and white jersey, it is an honor and a duty to commit myself to give this club a future ».

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