Home » ANALYSIS. Thomas Chatelle: “STVV shows symptoms of a fragile team”

ANALYSIS. Thomas Chatelle: “STVV shows symptoms of a fragile team”

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Down 3-0 in Molenbeek. After Saturday evening, STVV’s feet are more firmly on the ground, as our in-house analyst Thomas Chatelle also saw. “Given the dependence on Koita and the many goals conceded, it is a small miracle that STVV is still eighth.”

“The difference between RWDM and STVV was during rush hour. Gueye and substitute Mboup were the match winners, while Barnes on the other side weighed too lightly on the defense. Something we have often had to say about Zahiroleslam and Kaya. Three strikers who together score one competition goal after eighteen match days. That’s quite dramatic. Offensively, this STVV simply remains far too dependent on Koita. Take him away and they have a big problem.”

“In addition, the defensive vulnerability is also striking. With 28 goals conceded, only RWDM and the last four in the rankings are doing worse. In addition to the dependence on Koita, this is also a symptom of a fragile team. If you look at it this way, it is a small miracle that STVV is still eighth. STVV plays great football between the two rectangles, but they sell themselves short in the zones of truth. Defensive and offensive. The next two matches against Charleroi and Standard will be very important, because after the winter break a tough program awaits them with Union, KRC Genk and AA Gent. Just imagine if they get zero out of nine there. Then things can quickly go in the wrong direction. You don’t want to get into relegation problems with this young team. But I also don’t want to be too negative about this STVV. It remains a pleasure to watch them play football.” (thst)

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