Home » Ballardini and Bonazzoli, so different and so alike. Ciro don’t give up

Ballardini and Bonazzoli, so different and so alike. Ciro don’t give up

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Ballardini and Bonazzoli, so different and so alike.  Ciro don’t give up

The weekend of A league which has just ended has definitively and officially launched us towards what will be the final rush of a championship which, despite already being virtually closed as regards the championship issue, still has a lot to say. And here it is, with Monday losers, we go to analyze that inevitable dose of bad luck. A dose of bad luck that, very often, can really make the difference. But who are the protagonists of this episode?

Is Ballardini no longer a magician?

For many years Ballardini was considered a sort of real magician or in any case the right man in difficult and complicated situations to resolve. And that’s most likely why the Sassuolo he turned to him, looking for those points that would be worth salvation. Yet, since the arrival of the coach from Ravenna on the bench, the neroverdi, despite their limitations, have experienced a series of negative episodes. Impossible to forget, in fact Berardi’s injury in his debut match. In the following matches many other small signals arrived, culminating in Maggiore’s equalizer at the end of the match against Salernitana today. In short, Davide, perhaps luck isn’t on your side.

Bonazzoli and those little-enjoyed goals

Two consecutive goals after an abstinence that lasted a very long time. These are Bonazzoli’s last two weeks. However, goals which, in the end, brought only one point to Verona, who is now once again in danger. In short, the attacker certainly cannot afford to rejoice and enjoy a positive moment from a personal point of view. But perhaps now the Scala team, in these last seven games, could rely and bet on him. Hoping to banish some bad luck.

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He was as (Immobile) sad

The missed opportunity in the first half and his dark and sad expression in the post-derby interviews is perhaps the perfect image to describe Lazio’s season. Ciro Immobile, once again, put his face to it, taking the blame even if it wasn’t his own. His sadness is that of someone who is undoubtedly experiencing a moment of difficulty, also because he has the bad luck of living in a period where a short memory and lack of gratitude reign supreme. The cover of Monday losers it’s just a way of saying CIRO DON’T GIVE UP.

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