Home » Basket, Turin accuses Udine: “Surreal climate”. The APU: “All protocols respected”

Basket, Turin accuses Udine: “Surreal climate”. The APU: “All protocols respected”

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UDINE. Controversy after Thursday’s championship match between Udine and Turin. Pedone’s company replies to the Turin press release.

“Following the championship match held on the evening of Thursday 23 December between Apu and Reale Mutua Basket Turin, the host club decided to issue an official note to complain that the match would take place in a” surreal atmosphere “and” all other than serene “, attributable to our alleged unwillingness to check the health of the players through a cycle of quick swabs”.

“Unfortunately, our colleagues in Turin must be reminded that the protocol for our competitions, drawn up by the Italian Basketball Federation, which contains” indications for the planning, organization and management of sports activities aimed at containing and against the spread of infection from Covid “, prescribes – says the Udine company – that, in the event of a positive team member (players, members of the technical, health and management staff), all the others must be subjected to a molecular swab and that, if not it is possible to perform the molecular swab and have the results before the match, the clubs must in any case ensure the negativity of their members, subjecting the team members to a quick swab. And so we proceeded “.

“In fact, in the late morning of yesterday, – explains the Friulian club – having verified the positivity of one of our players to Covid, our health staff immediately (around 1pm) subjected all team members and staff to a quick swab, without detecting any further contagion. “

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“Therefore, what is reported by the Turin company does not correspond to the truth. We must firmly emphasize that our company firmly recognizes that, in the current emergency context, our sports institutions, from the Fip to the Lega, have the competence and responsibility to dictate the rules of conduct to preserve the health of the community and that sports clubs and individuals have the duty, without exception and without venturing into ad personam or convenience interpretations, to respect them and guarantee the continuity of competitions.

Furthermore, our company believes that, in order to regain the serenity so longed for by all, the hard period we are experiencing requires us not only to act, but also to communicate, with the greatest possible correctness and transparency. “

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