Home » Brindisi-Potenza: the sector changes, not the support

Brindisi-Potenza: the sector changes, not the support

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Brindisi-Potenza: the sector changes, not the support

The streets of Brindisi and Potenza cross today at the stadium Franco Fanuzzi, where there are precious points up for grabs for achieving more comfortable positions in the rankings. The game will be played on Sunday at 6.30pm on a particularly rainy evening, which will significantly affect the turnout of spectators in the stands.

The guest presence is certainly very respectable with well over 150 fans following who, once they have gathered inside the sector, will be the creators of excellent cheering, with good following from the whole sector, with the half hour of the first really high level time in terms of intensity and consistency. Despite the advantage already abundantly acquired during the first part of the match, their cheering will be quite continuous for the entire ninety minutes, without suffering any decline as could happen in these circumstances, with good slaps, prolonged chants and constant waving of the flags that characterize their evidence.

With the Curva Sud Michele Stasi closed by the sports judge due to disqualification, the home ultras instead decided to settle in the bleacher sector, occupying the central part. Positioned behind the most significant acronyms of their fans, during the teams’ entry onto the field, the display of the “Mai Alone” banner will be significant, in clear reference to the beloved shirt which is certainly not abandoned in this difficult moment in the championship , with good results struggling to arrive.

Despite an embarrassing performance from the eleven on the pitch, the Brindisi fans will on the contrary be at excellent levels, with good following from the entire central area of ​​the sector, despite today’s improvised setup. The slaps punctuated by the sound of the drum were very frequent, which often served to bring the sector together and catch their breath, all accompanied by a worthy note of color from the constantly moving flags and many lit torches which always have that extra romantic charm in the evening . At the end of the match, the team was challenged and invited to do more dutiful duty before returning to the locker rooms.


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