Home » Chivasso in Novara The Letter 22 rests For Montalto a trip to Casale

Chivasso in Novara The Letter 22 rests For Montalto a trip to Casale

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Weekend of rest for the Lettera 22 Ivrea who will take advantage of this break to lick his wounds and try to understand the reason for the heavy defeat suffered in the derby with the green-and-whites of the Chivasso basketball team who, for their part, do not give up an inch and seem well convinced of continue their march to the top of the standings.

Coach Pomelari’s boys in this round are called tomorrow, Saturday 12 with the game starting at 21, for the trip to Novara against Mg Consulting, a team that should not worry Giovara and his teammates as long as they do not already think about the clash at the top with Valsesia in program Saturday 19th in Crescentino.

Changing categories, the Montalto Dora Basketball will play tonight, Friday 11, at 21, in Casale against the Cb Team Basket to consolidate that third place in the ranking which is worth the pass to the group which will include the first three classified of groups C and D with in the promotion to C Silver is up for grabs. However, the qualification is already in your pocket.

The program of the seventh return day of group B of the Serie C Silver championship is completed by: (Saturday 12 February at 9 pm) Amici San Mauro-Valsesia basketball, Vercelli Rices-Grugliasco Dragons, (Sunday 13 at 18.30) Reba basket Turin – 5 Equal Turin. Rest: Letter 22. Classification: Chivasso basketball and Valsesia basket 18 points; Friends of San Mauro and Vercelli Rices 12; Grugliasco Dragons 10; 5 Pari Torino and Reba basket Torino 8; Mg Consulting Novara 6; Letter 22 Ivrea 0.

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The program of the sixth return day of group C of the Serie D championship is completed: (played yesterday, Thursday 10 February) Biella next-Trino basketball, Ciriè-Sea Settimo basketball. Rest: Cigliano basketball. Ranking: Biella next points 20; Sea Seventh points 18; Montalto Dora basketball 12 points; Trino Basketball and Cigliano Basketball 10; Cb Team Basket Casale 6; Basketball Ciriè 2. –

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