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Città Vigevano takes the derby Robbio collapses

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Città Vigevano takes the derby Robbio collapses

Before the match t-shirt for the Zacchi grenade injured in the car In the second half the guests pass and approach salvation


Brasca and Ragusa give the Lomellino derby and a nice piece of salvation to the City of Vigevano: yesterday afternoon, in fact, the biancocelesti beat Robbio 2-0 away and now have six points ahead of the relegation zone.

The afternoon opens with Robbio entering the field with a support shirt for Alberto Zacchi, the 22-year-old player from Robbio who was injured in a car accident during the week while, together with three other teammates, he was returning home after training. Zacchi, after an operation to reduce the injuries to his face, is still hospitalized at San Matteo in Pavia but is out of danger.

the race

In the field, Robbio tries to start strong and at 13 ‘Furini brushes a great cross from the right for Zanellati who does not hit very well and the ball slips to the bottom. At 25 ‘still Robbio with a header from Zanellati which, however, ends on the side. A good start by the hosts followed by the ducal reaction: on the 29 ‘a good header by Limiroli who, however, only gains a corner kick, then at the end of the first half it is Lagonigro who goes to the shot, but the ball ends to the side. A balanced first half, but without goals, then the game unlocks in the second half. In fact, in the second half the guests return to the field with a better attitude than their rivals and almost immediately unlock the result.

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In fact, at 11 ‘Migheli serves Brasca a ball that the midfielder is good at spitting into the net with a precise undersize jab. Robbio feels the blow and struggles to react, while the City of Vigevano tries to push on the accelerator taking advantage of the good moment of their race. At 16 ‘great detachment of Limiroli’s head that hits the post in full. Robbio – already with several absences – was further hit by bad luck: at 18 ‘Zanellati was injured and had to give way to Giovagnini, then at 27’ Petrillo too had to go out due to physical problems and was taken over by Spano. A black day for Robbio who in the 34th minute is hit again: this time the credit is all of Pelli who leads a masterful counter-attack, jumps a defender from Robbio and then, once he reaches the edge of the area, has the lucidity to serve Ragusa that bags the goal of 2-0 which, in fact, closes the accounts. Then Ragusa gets hurt in exultation by bumping into the fence and is replaced by Truzzi.

The game is now practically in the archive, but in the final Robbio tries to throw himself forward with the strength of pride, showing himself on some occasions near Nucera, but without having particularly dangerous chances and thus unable to find the goal that would reopen the games. The ducals are now closer to salvation, while Robbio remains in the middle of the play-off area, also thanks to the favorable results from the other fields. Next Sunday the City of Vigevano will host Basso Pavese, while Robbio will play again at home, this time against Vittuone.—

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