Home » Concordia, Cata 5th in the national test The Allieve team obtains the qualification

Concordia, Cata 5th in the national test The Allieve team obtains the qualification

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Concordia, Cata 5th in the national test The Allieve team obtains the qualification


Very good results of the Concordia Gymnastics Society of Chivasso (rhythmic gymnastics) both in the national phase of the Italia Gold tournament and in the Allieve Gold 3 team championship, both competitions held at the PalaPajetta in Biella from Friday 8 to Sunday 10 April.

As for the national phase, in which thirty-seven athletes from all over Italy took part, the gymnast of Concordia Jessika Cata obtained the fifth place with the exercise at the ball, while she finished fourteenth in the exercise of the clubs. Concordia also protagonist on Sunday 10 at the Allieve Gold 3 team championship with the third place won by the team composed of: Aurora Bisoffi and Sofia Oliviero, both born in 2012 and Lidia Amicone, born in 2013. The Chivassese team performed three exercises, such as collective free body, exercise in succession and individual exercise.

Thanks to this important result, Bisoffi, Oliviero and Amicone have deservedly removed the pass to participate in the national phase, which will take place in Fabriano, in the province of Ancona, in the month of May.

Satisfaction with the results achieved, the president of Concordia, maria Luisa Zenti says: “After the excellent result of Jessica Cata, coached by Clara Shermer and Selene Osti – says the president of Concordia, Maria Luisa Zenti – the weekend gave us the success of these young and promising gymnasts, and their coach, Marica Osti, who for her first time on the platform wins admission to an event of national caliber, confirming the quality of the work carried out by all the technical staff of our company”. –

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