Home » Covid and escape of laboratory viruses China, USA relaunch hypotheses

Covid and escape of laboratory viruses China, USA relaunch hypotheses

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Covid and escape of laboratory viruses China, USA relaunch hypotheses

The US Department of Energy has concluded that the Covid pandemic was most likely caused by a leak from a laboratory in China. This is what emerges from a classified intelligence report recently delivered to the White House and key members of Congress, the Wall Street Journal reveals today.

According to reports from the WSJ, the Department of Energy, based on “new intelligence information, now believes that the virus leaked by mistake from a laboratory in China. Even the FBI would support this thesis, but other agencies still they think the pandemic is the result of natural transmission, which is why the conclusion reached by the Department of Energy report is characterized as “low confidence”.

We don’t have “a definitive answer” on the possibility that the Covid epidemic was caused by a laboratory leak, says National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, interviewed by CNN on the WSJ scoop. “What I can tell you is that President Biden has repeatedly ordered every element of the intelligence community to reserve every effort and resource to get to the bottom of this matter,” Sullivan said again.

Sullivan, questioned by CNN, then stated that “at the moment we do not have a definitive answer that has emerged from the intelligence community on the issue”. “If we get any further information or indications, we will share it with Congress and then with the American people,” he added, stressing that there is “a wide variety of positions” within US intelligence.

For months, hypotheses relating to the origin of the pandemic have turned the spotlight on the Chinese city of Wuhan. In July last year, 2 studies were published in Science magazine according to which covid 19 started from live animals sold in the Wuhan market. The analysis coordinated by Professor Michael Worobey – director of the Department of Ecology and Biology at the University of Arizona – involved experts of different nationalities and produced texts that effectively exclude any alternative hypothesis for the origin of the pandemic. According to the authors, the passage of the virus from animals to humans occurred in two separate events, in the Huanan market – in Wuhan – at the end of 2019.

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On the other hand, already in the summer of 2021, American intelligence agencies began to fathom a gigantic ‘catalogue of genetic information’ which, once deciphered, could have provided revelations about the origins of the coronavirus. The intelligence activities of about a year and a half ago were documented by CNN: among the data, according to the broadcaster, were the genetic models obtained from the samples of the virus studied in the Wuhan laboratory, viewed by many as the possible initial source of the pandemic .

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