Home » Covid today: data and infections of 21 September. Coronavirus Bulletin in Italy and regions

Covid today: data and infections of 21 September. Coronavirus Bulletin in Italy and regions

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Rome, 21 September 2021 – The today’s bulletin on the Coronavirus in Italia con i data from Ministry of Health e Civil protection its Covid contagion, dead, hospitalizations e terapie intensive. In today’s report it is very likely that the number of new positives will rise, but the swabs carried out will also increase. Eye, as always, to the numbers relating to hospital pressure: according to the values ​​of Agents, updated to yesterday, the Calabria, the most poised region in the past week, has 18% of the posts occupied in non-critical wards (the maximum value is 15%), while it is below the limit parameter for intensive care (9%). But, looking forward to the ISS monitoring on Friday, we will know more when the numbers for today will come out, since usually only the Tuesday values ​​that are taken into consideration to draw the map of colors of the regions.

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Meanwhile, yesterday was a turning point on the front vaccines. The administration of the third dose with more than 3 thousand ‘fragile subjects’ who received the further recall. The general Figliuolo he recalled that “the third dose vaccines, as established by the Cts of Aifa, provide vaccine to Mrna and therefore Modern or Pfizer“and announced that it will soon be the turn of” RSA guests, senior citizens and healthcare personnel“, including according to the ISS, the rate of new cases rose slightly.

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And always yesterday Pfizer-Biontech announced that, according to the results of a recently concluded study, il own vaccine it is safe and triggers “robust” immune responses against the Covid also in the children aged between 5 and 12 years and did know which will shortly seek regulatory approval from regulatory bodies in the European Union and the United States.

We will publish here, as soon as they are available, the updated data from the Ministry of Health and the Pdf table

The Veneto registers 457 new infections Covid in the last 24 hours e 3 deaths. The total number of infected since the beginning of the epidemic thus rises to 465,869, that of victims to 11,742. The people currently positive and in home isolation are 11,948 (-246). The pressure on hospitals is growing slightly: there are 272 (+4) beds occupied by Covid patients in non-critical areas and 62 (+3) in intensive care.

Others three dead (7,113 in total) for Covid in Tuscany, where in the last 24 hours they are registered 215 new cases with an average age down to 41 years. The new healed are 426, while the currently positive ones are today 8,080 (-2.6% on yesterday, the downward trend is confirmed). Among them there are 389 (+2) patients, 53 of whom are in intensive care (+2 people the daily balance).

Of the 14,436 tests processed in Puglia 110 gave successful by a positivity rate of 0.76%. Most of the new cases have been ascertained in the province of Lecce in which there are 47 more infections than yesterday. The provinces of Foggia follow for new positive results with 19, Taranto with 17, Bat with 15, Bari with 13 and Brindisi with 12. In the last 24 there is also a victim. The currently positive are 3,125: among these 196 are hospitalized in a non-critical area and 22 in intensive care.

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Only one case in Molise, 6 in Valle d’Aosta and 44 in Umbria.

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