Home » Cycling, mountain bike World Cup finals in Trentino: monstrous Schurter, third Braidot

Cycling, mountain bike World Cup finals in Trentino: monstrous Schurter, third Braidot

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Cycling, mountain bike World Cup finals in Trentino: monstrous Schurter, third Braidot

In Daolasa di Commezzadura, in Val di Sole (Trentino), the Swiss increasingly symbol of cross country. The man from Gorizia fights and ends his best season. Superstar France: he wins all elite races. Over 25 thousand spectators in three days

From the 2021 World Cup to the 2022 World Cup finals, the result in Val di Sole does not change. Everyone was expecting a great season finale, and Daolasa di Commezzadura gave days of great spectacle and emotion. In three days there were over 25,000 spectators, who admired the dominance of France, capable of winning the elite trials in all disciplines.

After Loris Vergier and Myriam Nicole in Downhill, in Cross Country the athletes who had already conquered Friday’s Short Track tests have returned: Titouan Carod and Pauline Ferrand-Prèvot, both of Team BMC. France also on the shields in the morning thanks to Line Burquier (Under 23 Women), while the Under23 men’s race went to the Chilean Martin Vidaurre: both also won the general classification. The Swiss Nino Schurter and Alessandra Keller, masters of the general classification of the 2022 World Cup, also celebrated in Val di Sole: for the Olympian this is the eighth triumph of the challenge, which joins the 10 World Championships. “World and World Cup: it’s a dream season – said Schurter, 36 -. This year I finally found the best pedal stroke. Today I was stuck at the start, I tried to recover in the final but when I realized that I would not have reached Carod I checked to secure the eighth Cup ”.

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High level confirmations also for the Italians: Luca Braidot and Simone Avondetto finished fifth in the elite and Under 23 races, while Martina Berta finished in eighth place in the elite; Giada Specia fourth among the U23. For Luca Braidot, the third place in the World Cup standings remains, his best placement, and the path of a season that has elevated him to the top of world mountain biking. “It wasn’t one of my best days, but I tried as long as my strength allowed me – explained the 31-year-old from Gorizia -. I’m happy anyway: third place in the World Cup means a great season for me. Today was one of the best days of my career, I was really excited before the start, but once I got underway I had fun. Thanks Val di Sole ”.

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