Home » Extreme heat and lack of oxygen: the plane with the Gambia national team forced to make an emergency landing. Pictures

Extreme heat and lack of oxygen: the plane with the Gambia national team forced to make an emergency landing. Pictures

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Extreme heat and lack of oxygen: the plane with the Gambia national team forced to make an emergency landing.  Pictures

It is a dramatic story given by the defender Saidy Janko, who posted some images of the trip on Instagram Gambia national football team towards the Ivory Coast to participate in African Cup of Nations. “As soon as we got on the small plane rented to transport us, we noticed the immense heat that was making us sweat. The crew assured us that the air conditioning would be activated once in the sky.” The extreme heat “combined with the lack of oxygen it has provoked many strong people headache and dizziness” goes on. The situation worsened during the flight, until the pilot decided to fly the African Nations Cup at Banjul airport just nine minutes after takeoff. “If we hadn’t landed, the consequences could have been worse”

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