Home » Football: FC Bayern: Kimmich excludes his own farewell

Football: FC Bayern: Kimmich excludes his own farewell

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Football: FC Bayern: Kimmich excludes his own farewell

Status: 07/25/2023 2:07 p.m

Joshua Kimmich has had a difficult season and should no longer be considered unsaleable internally at Bayern Munich. At the start of the Asian tour, the midfielder made it clear: he will not leave the club on his own.

Those who had high hopes for the Munich company’s first press appearance on their first stop on their Asia trip in Japan were more likely to be disappointed. Due to chaotic translations, only a few questions could be asked of Joshua Kimmich and finally of coach Thomas Tuchel, so a lot remained unanswered. At least in one case there was clarity.

Kimmich: I’m sure that I’ll play for Bayern next season

Joshua Kimmich wants to stay at Bayern. “I am very sure that I will play for Bayern next season,” said the recently heavily criticized midfielder in Tokyo on Tuesday. At least he has no other plans, he added.

So Kimmich will not leave on his own accord, although he was still associated with FC Barcelona at the end of last season. While the 28-year-old had already denied the rumors at the time, his image among those responsible seemed to continue to crumble. As the “Kicker” recently reported, Kimmich is probably no longer untouchable internally. In the event of a correspondingly lucrative offer, those responsible should always be willing to talk.

Kimmich’s future remains unclear

Thomas Tuchels did not comment again on Kimmich’s future. First there were questions about newcomer Min-jae Kim, who will probably not appear in the test match against Manchester City on Wednesday (“We are happy that he has chosen us”) and in the subsequent public training session dragged himself across the training ground in a slightly stooped position. The 35 degrees in Tokyo and the military training during the summer break obviously bothered him. He only showed his sharpness and duel strength in individual situations, but his passing game still seemed a little rusty.

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Kimmich with a small tip against Tuchel

Quite different Kimmich: The midfielder was visibly motivated, lively, committed. He hardly made any mistakes in the exercises, appeared to be in excellent shape and also showed what his coach should like: emotions. Most recently, Tuchel had criticized the lack of leadership in the team. But the fact that Kimmich celebrated every ball win in the rondo and pushed his teammates should not necessarily have been due to this criticism. That’s how you know him.

Incidentally, the national player could not resist a tip against his coach when it came to his possible departure: “Transfer period is transfer period,” he paraphrased the words that Tuchel used when he had avoided making a clear commitment to the midfield chief’s whereabouts. However, Kimmich had a smile on his face when he quickly added that he wanted to stay.

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Source: BR24Sport on the radio 07/25/2023 – 10:54 a.m

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