Match without history the one between Fortitudo and Cremona. Vanoli Cremona to be precise, as someone is keen to specify because in reality the real Cremona team is considered by all to be Juvi, while Vanoli who took over the title of another team years ago, Soresina, remains for these same reasons external and extraneous to the bulk of the citizen support.

Unfortunately, the warmth and the coat of arms of the Lions’ den fortunes to propitiate a second exploit after that of game 3, brought home on the siren edge of the first overtime. If in the first half the home team seems to hold up the opposing favorite in some way (26-36), upon returning from the interval there will be nothing left to do for Fortitudo, who lets the key slip and in the end will fall heavily for 40 to 69, amidst the moans and protests of the white-blue public. Cremona which therefore arrives at the final promotion of its draw in which it will face Forlì, all to be redone, once again, for the umpteenth season, for Fortitudo.

Luigi Bisio