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“I already got everything, I lack nothing”

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“I already got everything, I lack nothing”


Act. a las 20:59


The Argentine star assured that the titles achieved are the best way to close his career

He explained his “difficult adaptation to Paris” and the “break” he experienced with a large part of the Parisian fans

After winning the World Cup with his beloved Argentina, Leo Messi achieved all the great titles possible as a footballer. Trophy collector, Argentine legend, for many the best player in the history of this sport, he is reaching the final stretch of his career. “I achieved the most important goal I had, which was to win the World Cup with my team. It was extraordinary how everything happened. I never gave importance to individual titles, and having achieved the objectives with Argentina and with the clubs where I have been is to close an extraordinary career”, Leo was honest, in an exclusive interview with Bein Sports, after his recent arrival at Inter Miami.

Without a doubt, the win in Qatar was a highlight of Messi’s career. “The World Cup is different from everything because of how you live worldwide. Each country lives it in a different way and how Argentina lives it is crazy beautiful. It is a month where the country is paralyzed and everything happens through the national team matches”, argued the star.

life in paris

Neither did Messi wrinkle when it came to explaining his adaptation problems in Paris: “The truth is that the adaptation was very difficult, much more expensive than I expected. Beyond the fact that I knew people in the locker room, it was difficult to adapt to the changes. I arrived late, without preseason, to a new club. It was difficult for me and my family to acclimatize to the city”. In addition, Leo continued: “In December, when I went on vacation to Argentina, I caught COVID and the return was different. I was unemployed for a month without training and it was difficult for me to return. It was a very difficult year”.

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However, everything improved in the second campaign: “At the beginning of the second season I felt much better, I was able to do the preseason and be with my teammates from the beginning. There were ins and outs, a new coach, but I felt much more comfortable”.

With everything, he assumed the European failures: “Obviously, we had the objective of winning the Champions League, but we did not achieve it. They were two big disappointmentssince it is the title that the club wants”.

The break with the fans

After beating France in the World Cup final, a country to which he had to return, Messi perceived a fracture between him and his own fans: “I think there was a big break with a large part of the Paris fansobviously without my intention, but It happened just like it happened before with Mbappe and Neymar. I know it’s his way of acting, but I’d rather stay with everyone who respected me, like I did since I arrived.”

Despite the repeated whistles from his own fans, the Argentine assured: “It was the same for me. I had to go back to the country I played in the final against, but I arrived the same way and everything within the club was the same. Nothing changed for me, although for some it did”.

In the final stretch of his sports career, Leo did not seem affected by these unfortunate incidents: “For this reason, we must give value to the leagues we achieved in Paris. I no longer look at my records, the only thing I look at is what I have achieved with Argentina and with the clubs, the collective titles”, he sentenced.

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