Home » Joint injuries in the mountains: how to avoid them

Joint injuries in the mountains: how to avoid them

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Joint injuries in the mountains: how to avoid them

According to the report of the Italian Mountain Tourism Observatory, an increasing number of Italians are choosing to spend their summer holidays in the mountains. In fact, 15.2% of Italians will opt for an Alpine or Apennine destination, registering an increase of 2.7% compared to last year.
Choosing to spend your holidays in the mountains is certainly a panacea for body and mind. The fresh and clean air, the nature, the less frenetic pace of the days certainly make it easier to switch off and fully enjoy your holiday. In summer the mountain offers a wide range of activities: excursions, walks, climbing, mountain biking, trekking, rafting in streams and much more.

How to avoid joint injuries in the mountains

“However, we need to pay close attention because the danger of incurring an injury is around the corner, not only for those who practice sports but also for those who simply decide to go for relaxing walks and excursions” specifies Doctor Lorenzo Castellani, orthopedic surgeon, expert of reconstructive and sports surgery of the major joints and proponent of the project Articular surgeon.

Suffice it to say that last year the Alpine and Speleological Rescue carried out 10,367 rescue missions with an increase of 9.8% compared to 2021. The causes of the interventions are mainly attributable to three factors: falls and slips (45.9% of interventions), incapacity during the activity performed (26.3%) and illness (13.7%).

Knees and shoulders the joints most at risk

All activities are at risk of injury if practiced carelessly and without the right athletic preparation. For Doctor Castellani, even during a simple walk, it is easy to incur an injury: “in fact, a fall due to uneven ground is sufficient. In my experience, the joints most affected by trauma are related to the knee and shoulder. A knee sprain can lead to injuries to the meniscus and ligaments. The former are a cause of pain and swelling and, at times, can create a joint blockage; the second, ligament injuries, can create joint instability. In the shoulder, on the other hand, the most common traumatic injury in the mountains is dislocation, i.e. the shoulder coming out of its natural seat, due for example to a fall with arms outstretched.

Children and the elderly are most at risk

The ages at greatest risk of injury are the extreme ages, therefore children/teenagers on the one hand and the more advanced ages on the other. In the first case we are mostly talking about injuries caused by lack of attention, while in the second case the cause is easily attributable to a poorly trained tenor and muscle strength.

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Joint injuries in the mountains: be prepared and don’t improvise

Doctor Castellani is keen to underline that many injuries can be prevented with good muscle preparation. “All those who want to try their hand at even an occasional activity must prepare themselves before the holiday by strengthening the muscles that will be more involved in the activities they are going to carry out. If we talk about walking, the leg, and consequently the knee, the most important thing is a good reinforcement of the quadriceps in order to have good control of the movement and therefore the most stable joint possible. For the shoulder, training is generally more complicated because there are muscles that are generally never trained and which are the stabilizers of the shoulder. In this case, a targeted training course is needed.”

What to do in case of an accident?

What to do in the event of an accident? “The first thing to do is to avoid inflammation by putting the joint at rest” explains Dr. Castellani. The next steps involve the use of ice and possibly taking anti-inflammatories. The latter must be taken on the basis of one’s general medical conditions avoiding those products that are not suitable for us. Clearly in the face of great pain, blockage of a joint or shoulder dislocation it is necessary to go to the nearest emergency room in order to exclude more important damage and trauma. Once the acute phase has passed, I always recommend a specialist visit to evaluate any permanent damage. When a trauma to the joint is resolved, there is always a need for a recovery that can be done through physiotherapy. Following the trauma, the joints can become stiff and the muscles lose tone after the rest phase. It is therefore necessary to recover mobility and strength in the muscles.

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With little care and attention it is possible to spend a wonderful holiday at high altitude.

READ ALSO: What is the anti-accident diet?

Photo by photo nic / Holly Mandarich


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