Home » Liventina, turn on the bench: Bodo ready

Liventina, turn on the bench: Bodo ready

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What a dance for the tips: Madiotto al Montebelluna, Maccan all’Opitergina, Urbanetto al PortoMansuè, while Florean stops


In Serie D, Montebelluna’s first reinforcement is Giovanni from Treviso Madiotto, striker born in 1991 and coming from Union Clodiense. In his career he has also played with Giacomense, Bassano, Treviso, Pergolettese, Venice, Istrana, Union Ripa, Union Feltre and Belluno. The D championship will start on September 19th, ending in May 2022. The national Juniors start on October 2nd.

Excellence. Loris Bodo, former Montebelluna, will most likely be the new coach of Liventina, whose bench was still vacant after the separation with Giuseppe Your. One of the strengths of the Mottense defense will be Shadi Ghosheh: the Italian-Jordanian center born in 1987, with over 200 appearances in C, lands on the banks of the Livenza after his experience at Scardovari. Meanwhile, Axel Akafou (2003), the green-and-whites midfielder, goes on loan to Cjarlins. So far 10 reconfirmed in Motta: Lorello, Barro, Cotali, Bord, End, Fuxa, Solomon, Serafin, Tagliapietra e Tesolat. The Opitergina ensures the performance of the expert Denis Maccan (1984), former Portogruaro striker. The red and white have also hired the defenders Andrea Chicken (1999) from PortoMansuè, Andrea Pisani (1987) by Portogruaro and Michele Ianneo (1989) from Sandonà. Laurel Florean he leaves football and will be the mister’s deputy Feltrin. Confirmed the athletic trainer Guido Brescia and the goalkeeper trainer Alain Lazzer, while the new physiotherapist and masseur is Davide Nardin. Meanwhile in Oderzo there is the confirmation of the attacker Bigoni. PortoMansuè beats a shot in attack by signing Luca Urbanetto (1994) by Chions. There is also a return to Mansuè, with the midfielder Marco Dassiè (1995) who returns after his experience at Portogruaro. The Istrana has taken midfielder Nicola from Fossalta La Montanara (2001), Cittadella school; reconfirmed gasparetto e Venturin. The Eclipse has registered the defender Federico De Min (1997), ex Colorno in Emilian Excellence. Giorgione reconfirmed Nicoletti, Mioni e Perosin, while the Nobile brothers go to Martellago. Meeting on August 2nd in Bella Venezia.

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Promotion. Vedelago has reached an agreement with Alessandro Prosdocimi (1996), defender from Lovispresiano. Two reconfirmations and new acquisitions for Campigo: the relationship with Scappin e Bergamini, while the new entries – all three from Luparense and class of 2002 – are the midfielder Alessandro Ponych, full-back Riccardo Torresan and second tip Michael Soldera. Villorba has registered the defender Davide Radu (2000) by Godigese. The central defender Gioele also landed at Campigo Rizzo (1997), former Godigese, and the attacking midfielder Filippo Milani (1998) from Fratte. The Lovispresiano market is unlocked with the goalkeeper Rudj From the Arche (1982), ex Pravisdomini, Vedelago and Sandonà, and the mezzala Federico Ski (2002), formerly Favaro and Noale. Plot twist: skip the merger between Godega (Promotion) and San Fior (Second category). Suddenly some executives took a step back, despite the fact that both the name of the company, GodegaSanFior, and the coach, Cristiano, had already been chosen Turchetto, with Mirko Mariotti as ds. Now the San Fior should continue alone in the second. To understand if Godega will enter the first team. –

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