Home » Nuoro, youth football match ends 40-0. The controversies break out – breaking latest news

Nuoro, youth football match ends 40-0. The controversies break out – breaking latest news

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Nuoro, youth football match ends 40-0.  The controversies break out – breaking latest news

Nuoro, April 12, 2022 – Una match from youth football in the Nuorese ends 40-0 and controversies break out. The temple of Orosei against La Calettacategory Very young. In front of children of 14-15 years. Fanum Orosei needs to score a lot of goals to win first place. On the pitch, however, he exaggerates and the match even ends 40-0. A score that can be found in a tennis game, not in a football match, where the boys of La Caletta, for the whole game in 10 men, are humiliated. And it is precisely on this humiliation, as reported by La Nuova Sardegna, that the FIGC Sardinia is ready to investigate.

The reconstruction of the facts

La Caletta arrives at the match against Fanum Orosei and shows up with only ten players, moreover of a lower age than that imposed by the category of the Giovanissimi. For Fanum Orosei it is a game that counts. And how it counts. He needed to score a lot of goals, at least 35 to take first place in the standings. This is to make the difference with Lupi Goceano from Bono (Sassari), paired at the top of the group rankings. The week before, Lupi had beaten La Caletta 22-0. A striking score, too. This time, however, it even ends 40-0.

Fanum Orosei and Lupi Goceano would have asked, to avoid what happened, to make a playoff rather than rely on goal difference. But it was also a challenge to the rules: impossible to overturn the rules in the race. “We have not decided anything yet because we are checking everything that needs to be verified – the words of the president of the FIGC Sardinia, Gianni Cadoni -. I have heard the club La Caletta. And I have felt very serene. This comforts me, but not reassures me. What can be done in the future? The rules must be respected, but possibly exceptions could be found, clearly in agreement with the National Amateur League when it is understood that there are situations that in some way can harm those who practice this sport, especially when it comes to kids “.

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