Home » Panthers on velvet: 3-0 also in Hungary The mission for the Club World Cup begins

Panthers on velvet: 3-0 also in Hungary The mission for the Club World Cup begins

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Conegliano leaves the crumbs at the Fatum: before the direct clash with Chemik Police, the defense of the title in Ankara is triggered


The Hungarian expedition is a success on all fronts for Conegliano, who takes full points and with the maximum set quotient also the head of group E of the Champions League. After the World Cup, a crucial event of the year, the direct clash in Poland against the Chemik Police will establish the hierarchies in view of the passage to the quarterfinals.

Santarelli keeps Egonu at rest, discontinuous in the last tests and necessary to the best of his possibilities at the World Cup next week and also Sylla, kept warm for the matches in Turkey. Frosini is on the field with Wolosz, Folie, De Kruijf, Courtney, Plummer and De Gennaro. At the beginning the panthers, returning to the traditional yellow and blue, must contain the resourcefulness of the hosts and at the same time deal with their (usual) mistakes in serving. The Fatum risks a lot and attacks without fear breaking through the yellow-blue wall, which then has a couple of high quality jolts with De Kruijf. The tactical film, moreover, was the one expected, with the title holder knowing what to expect from a team that has returned to the top continental tournament after 18 years. Receiving the panthers works great and allows Wolosz to browse the daisy, always choosing the best exit option. Much passes by the central and by Courtney, who also guesses two poisonous aces in the final set. The score remains in substantial balance until 16, then the batteries of the Hungarians run down and Conegliano does not forgive, closing easily with the maximum advantage that grows exchange after exchange.

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The scenario does not change when the game resumes and Plummer begins his personal show with five consecutive points (eight total in the set). Frosini and Folie also contribute to the 4-12, built in a few minutes, with the first of its five walls. Conegliano plays, has fun and has fun and shows the real difference between the two teams. Nyiregyhaza disappears from the field and almost remains to watch and learn, like the large audience made up mainly of local volleyball teams. THERE. Carraro Imoco never decreases the intensity and frequency of his actions, gradually regaining confidence and automatisms that had not yet been seen in this first part of the season.

The third set also goes to the annals with speed and some changes in the final, just to save other drops of energy that will be very useful from Wednesday onwards, when the world title is up for grabs and the opponents will be of a very different thickness. Butigan, Vasileva and Gennari also touch the field, while the hosts have only the pride of having exceeded at least 10 points against the panthers. The spirit that Conegliano fielded seemed the best, not only and not so much from a technical point of view, given that the difference with the magiare was already abysmal on paper, as well as for the continuity demonstrated in all actions. Even with the advantage gained, going to fight and run on difficult balls was an excellent signal for the attitude that will have to distinguish the defense of the world title. When there is an air of trophy this team has never disappointed and once again the path of preparation and recovery of the injured seems to have brought the group to the limit of the maximum possible. –

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