Home » Pavia, deep crisis shakes the bench of Mr. Fiorito

Pavia, deep crisis shakes the bench of Mr. Fiorito

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Pavia, deep crisis shakes the bench of Mr. Fiorito

Technical in the balance after the knockout of Gavirate and the specter of play outs Only one success in 8 games, worse points average than Albertini


Time for discussion and reflection in Pavia after the knockout of Gavirate and at the beginning of the week that will lead to Sunday’s match at Fortunati with leaders from Varesina. For 8 games, after the winning debut of Mr. Fiorito at home with the rear side Settimo (1-0 on 4 December), Pavia is fasting for victories and now shares the fourth-last position with Seveso at 18 points, in the middle of the play area. out and at -6 by Gavirate himself, sixth last.

Flowered under examination

It should therefore come as no surprise that the blue coach is under scrutiny in these hours. There was no turning point in terms of results after he took over from the exonerated Omar Albertini. «The coach in question? It is normal that this is the case, given the ranking situation – observes the chief executive officer Antonio Dieni -. I will meet the team before training and we will have a collegial confrontation ». The beginning of the week, therefore, is very delicate in the Azzurri home. The defeat of Gavirate (3-2) on Sunday in a match that seemed within the reach of Pavia, never put under by the opponents on the level of the game, has once again exposed the limits and problems of the blue team, which arise upstream, from the chaotic management of the summer market, with players arriving and leaving after a few months. The season had begun with the passage of the round in the Italian Cup, a competition in which with Albertini at the helm Pavia reached the quarter-finals. In the league, the team with Albertini management won an average of 1 point per game (10 points in as many games). Then after the transition Sunday, with the team entrusted to the regional Juniores coach Alessandro Ruocco and the defeat of Seveso, the Fiorito management moved on, with 8 points in 9 games and an average of just under the point per game (0, 88), therefore slightly worse than the first part. In recent weeks the situation has been worsened by chain injuries, all of a traumatological nature, from Boari to Bellantoni to Negri. In short, worrying signs, which add to obvious limits. The serious injury of the goalkeeper Boari should have led to an immediate engagement: the young Picone offers no guarantees (see the Gavirate disaster), there is talk of one or two elements arriving on trial in via Alzaia. –

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Enrico Venni

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