Home » Rimini-Montevarchi: the stadium, a film already seen

Rimini-Montevarchi: the stadium, a film already seen

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Rimini-Montevarchi: the stadium, a film already seen

Last act of the season for the red and white formation of Rimini which, within the friendly walls, faces the already relegated Tuscany formation of Montevarchi. After a second round in which the
Romagnola team, led on the bench by Mr. Gaburro, has never achieved a home win, today would be the perfect opportunity to say goodbye to your fans.

Waiting to discover the opponent who will have to face in the playoffs that count for Serie B, it is imperative to mitigate the umpteenth disappointing performance of the last away match in Ancona, where the defeat has done nothing but further damage the feeling of the beginning of the season. Yet what holds the scene at the moment are more the events relating to the “Romeo Neri” stadium towards which the Curva Est is focusing its attention, carrying out a protest to the sound of stinging banners and which have the current mayor as the main target, to which they ask once again to move the sector close to the playing field, as it was in the 80s. In the aftermath of this match, in an official note the mayor himself said he was very resentful not so much for the numerous banners displayed inside the stadium during the match, all with cinematic quotations as a leitmotif, but for the single banner hung on the outside of the East which hooked up to current events and Trentino, where a runner was attacked and killed by a bear.

Coming to the pitch, once again no turnaround: the 90th minute ends with yet another draw against a team, as mentioned, already widely relegated. The ration of boos that accompanies the players in the locker room is sonorous, the long-awaited reaction that the coach evoked in the press conference continues to be in hiding and this abrupt trend reversal compared to the seasonal debuts, can only be worrying in view of the playoffs.

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Honorable mention to the more than fifty Montevarchini who arrived in Rimini despite the fate already written. The mathematical relegation of the previous week seems to have goaded the pride of the Tuscans, who presented themselves in the sector reserved for them with great enthusiasm and color, also by virtue of a certain rivalry between the parties, studded with various warnings, some of which are still ongoing, at least on Rimini shore. During the ninety minutes, among the many chants, “This curve does not recede!” stands out. The same goes for the clubs, in fact: if the boys on the pitch had shown the same tenacity as those in the stands, the objectives would have been very different.

Gilberto Poggi

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