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Riso Scotti, play off crossroads with Livorno The extra boost from a Donadoni at the top

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Riso Scotti, play off crossroads with Livorno The extra boost from a Donadoni at the top

The 24-year-old guard-winger protagonist of the match with Cecina “Libertas tough, but we have to bring home the 2 points”


On Sunday, Riso Scotti faces Libertas Livorno in the second consecutive match at PalaRavizza (ball at two hours 18): a challenge that is worth double in terms of play offs. Pavia is four points ahead of the Tuscans and a victory would guarantee an insurmountable advantage, also considering that in the first leg the Pavesi conquered the Modigliani Forum.

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Scotti, however, is charged up after the victory over Cecina, a match in which Alessio Donadoni shone, who finished with a double double (14 points and 12 rebounds). The three blocks (he is third in the special standings), the 4 assists (fifth in the standings) and the 2 steals (third in the standings) also enriched his performance. «We are used to looking at points rather than rebounds – explains Donadoni, 24-year-old winger – in the game, however, there are many things that are hardly noticeable and which are equally important to win or to make the group run well. Compared to last year I have matured, I have greater awareness of what I have to do. If last season was the first truly important in Serie B, this is the year of reconfirmation ».

Donadoni against Cecina has taken several chestnuts from the fire to the team. «We were in difficulty because Calzavara had had a fever and had not been able to train – says the player – there were teammates who had a bit of various pains. It was a game that seemed obvious on paper, but in reality it wasn’t. With my double double I gave a hand for two points that were fundamental. If our goal is to confirm ourselves in fifth place in the standings and perhaps aim for fourth place, hoping that Legnano will lose one game too many, games like the one with Cecina are a steady one ».

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On Sunday the level rises, because Maurelli Libertas Livorno arrives in via Treves, fresh from home victory with Oleggio and with a record of four victories in the last five games. «We will face a team that last year reached the play-off final with Piacenza – warns Donadoni – and that threw us out in the first round of the play-offs. Of that group remained Forti, Marchini and Ricci. Then there is the new entry Kuuba, players who have points and talent in their hands, so they will come to Pavia to fight for two decisive points for their play off run. It will be a tough match, but in one way or another we have to bring it home ». –

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