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Running 10km from scratch

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Running 10km from scratch

For those starting from scratch, being able to run 10 km seems like a distant goal. A distance of those that you have to take the car, just to understand each other. Nevertheless being able to run 10 km is neither impossible nor difficult, as demonstrated by hundreds and hundreds of runners who set themselves and reach this first, true goal in the life of a runner. However for get to run 10km without ever running before for years it takes a bit of organization, as well as perseverance.

How to be able to run 10km from scratch in just a few weeks

In addition to having running shoes to start running, it is basically about follow a training plan which alternates training loads and rest in a balanced way and allows you to progressively increase the time spent in activity and the distances traveled until you first reach 5 and then 10 km. A training plan can scare especially those who have never handled one, and in fact in running manuals, athletic books, specialized magazines and online you can find countless tables to be able to run the distance of 10 km. Unfortunately, however, many of these are difficult to understand precisely for those who would need to simplify the information a lot, i.e. those who have never raced in their life.

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The table to get to run 10 km starting from 0

Among the many tables and training plans to be able to run 10 km starting from scratch that are around, one of the simplest, most practical and affordable is the one called “Couch to 10k”, from the sofa to 10 km: derives from the very famous C25K di Josh Clark, an American computer programmer who, without too many running and training skills, nevertheless managed to find the right mix to motivate people to run distances such as 5 and 10 km. He’s a easy to understand program, which is developed in at least 12 weeks (3 months) alternating phases of running and walking (read the mistakes not to be made when walking) until being able to run the fateful 10 km without interruption.

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Week 1

3 days of training
30 minutes of easy walking on Sunday, Thursday and Friday.

Week 2

4 days of training
30 minutes of easy walking on Sunday, Thursday, and Tuesday. Saturday: 10 minutes walk, 3 minutes run, 7 minutes walk, 3 minutes run, 7 minutes walk.

Week 3

4 days of training
Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, and Saturday: 8 minutes walk, 5 minutes run, 5 minutes walk, 5 minutes run, 7 minutes walk.

Week 4

4 days of training
Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, and Saturday: 6 minutes walk, 7 minutes run, 5 minutes walk, 6 minutes run, 6 minutes walk.workout-run

Week 5

4 days of training
Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, and Saturday: 5 minutes walk, 10 minutes run, 5 minutes walk, 5 minutes run, 5 minutes walk.

Week 6

4 days of training
Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, and Saturday: 5 minutes walk, 10 minutes run, 2 minutes walk, 8 minutes run, 5 minutes walk.

Week 7

4 days of training
Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, and Saturday: 5 minutes walk, 20 minutes run, 5 minutes walk.

Week 8

4 days of training
Sunday and Tuesday: 5 minutes walk, 20 minutes run, 5 minutes walk. Thursday and Saturday: 5 minutes walk, 25 minutes run, 5 minutes walk.

Week 9

4 days of training
Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, and Saturday: 5 minutes walk, 25 minutes run, 5 minutes walk.

Week 10

5 days of training
Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday: 5 minutes walk, 25 minutes run, 5 minutes walk.

Week 11

5 days of training
Sunday: 5 minutes walk, 30 minutes run, 5 minutes walk. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday: 5 minutes walk, 25 minutes run, 5 minutes walk.

Week 12

5 days of training
Sunday: 5 minutes walk, 35 minutes run, 5 minutes walk. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday: 5 minutes walk, 25 minutes run, 5 minutes walk.run-10-km

Weeks 13 – 14

5 days of training
Sunday: 5 minutes walk, 40 minutes run, 5 minutes walk. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday: 5 minutes walk, 25 minutes run, 5 minutes walk.

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Weeks 15 – 19

5 days of training
Sunday: 5 minutes walk, 45 minutes run, 5 minutes walk. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday: 5 minutes walk, 25 minutes run, 5 minutes walk.

The week before your first 10km race

5 days of training
Sunday: 5 minutes walk, 30 minutes run, 5 minutes walk. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday: 5 minutes walk, 25 minutes run, 5 minutes walk.

2 days before the race: absolute rest. The day before the race: 5 minutes walk, 10 minutes run, 5 minutes walk.
[Photo credits: FlickrCC Giuseppe Milo, Pexels]


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