Home » San Siro, Mayor Sala: ‘Restriction on the stadium? Clear question in two months’

San Siro, Mayor Sala: ‘Restriction on the stadium? Clear question in two months’

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San Siro, Mayor Sala: ‘Restriction on the stadium?  Clear question in two months’

“I believe that in a couple of months the issue will be clear.” The mayor of Milan explained it, Giuseppe Sala, responding to reporters who asked him how long it will take to know if, in 2025, a constraint on the San Siro stadium. In the meeting with Inter and Milan, the superintendent, Emanuela Carpani, “was reassuring about managing the issue and understanding that we can’t wait for 2025 – she added, speaking of the teams’ request for clarity as soon as possible -. from the second tier he said he needs to work on it, also because it’s not the superintendency alone that decides but a slightly broader system, we also need to hear from the superintendence in Rome but it’s important that they express themselves, it’s within the right of the teams” .

“New Meazza next to the old one? Absolutely not”

According to the mayor of Milan “if they were to put a constraint on the second ring it would be a problem. This means that the teams will probably decide to go or in Sesto or in Rozzano. Is it a drama? No, but that’s not a good thing from my point of view.”

The hippodrome hypothesis la maurawhere Milan would instead like to build the stadium “è difficile, Milan knows it too. But I said that before excluding it, the project must be seen – he concluded -. The new Meazza is close to the current one incompatible. Thats the only limit on which I am categorical: I can’t burden citizens living in the area with 150 days a year of traffic, noise and chaos”

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